July 21, 2020

It’s Clear How Our IULs Are Renewing

At United of Omaha, we have a goal to be as transparent and as fair as possible in our IUL renewal rate setting process. We do this by not only providing you with our historical indexed interest crediting rates, but also with our renewal participation rates and caps. You will see there has been no difference in the participation rates and caps on our inforce policies and our new policies.

Many carriers don’t publish their renewal rates. Oftentimes, it’s because they don’t want you to see when they have lowered their participation rates and caps on existing business, while continuing to offer higher rates on new money as a marketing tactic to bring in new business. In fact, the only way to discover this with most carriers is to start taking a close look at each client’s statement from year to year and comparing it to their new business rates. You might be surprised at what you find!

We believe in a simple, transparent and fair product. One that treats the money going into your new clients’ policies the same as we treat your existing clients’ policies that are renewing. And we prove it to you by showing our renewal participation rates and caps in our Income Advantage Historical and Renewal Rate Flyer and our Life Protection Advantage Historical and Renewal Rate Flyer.

This flyer can be found on the Sales Professional Access website. Just go to the Indexed UL page and you will find a link to the flyer within the product details column.

For more information on our IUL products, please visit discoveriul.com.

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