Inspiring Girls to Pursue STEM!

Since 2013, Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) hosts an annual one-day symposium in Chicago for middle school girls to explore the many exciting opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Volunteers from all over the local STEM community organize hands-on workshops to engage with he girls and inspire their development. EYH is a nationally recognized program sponsored by Techbridge Girls.

For parents looking to learn more about STEM programs & opportunities, come check out our Parent Program!

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Why EYH?

Our Vision

At EYH, our goal is to increase the presence of women from diverse backgrounds in STEM careers. We achieve this by providing middle-school girls with positive hands-on experiences in STEM and simultaneously introducing them to women role models. We also empower parents with the necessary knowledge to support their child’s success.


Please help support our cause! Your donation can make a huge difference in the lives of those we serve and help us reach a larger group of girls. We would appreciate both monetary and in-kind donations for raffles and goody bags. Please visit our donate page: all donations are tax-deductible!

Get Involved

If you would like join our organizing committee, please email us at

If you would like to volunteer, please see our information pages for Workshop Leaders and Conference Volunteers!

Please see our Contact Us page for more.

“Science is pretty cool!”

Participate in Fun Hands-on Workshops!

While working closely with women in various fields of STEM, such as physics, engineering, and science, students can participate in several specially designed workshops.

Group photo from EYH 2023 conference