Effective SSTs Survey - March 2021

The purpose of this survey is to engage school-based stakeholders (representative of the district: race/ethnicity, gender, grades, years of experience) about their perceptions of Student Support/Success Teams (SSTs).

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Name (Optional)
School Name *
Please select the role that best describes you. *
1. What is the PRIMARY purpose of your school’s SST? *
2. How often does your SST meet? *
3. When does your SST meet? *
4. Who facilitates/co-facilitates your SST? *
5. Is there an established process to refer students to your SST? *
6. Does your school’s SST collect demographic data for students who are presented at SSTs? *
7. Does your school’s ILT review demographics of all students referred to SST throughout the year? *
8a. Does your SST currently utilize the Panorama Student Success platform? *
8b. If yes, how does your SST currently utilize the Panorama Student Success platform? *
9. Are parents/guardians invited to the SST meetings? *
10. If parents/guardians are invited to SST meetings, is information regarding SST available in different languages?
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11. If parents/guardians are invited to SST meetings, are they given different options for attending? (Please check all that apply)
12. Do you think district PD about effective SSTs would be beneficial? *
13. In order for district PD focused on effective SSTs to be beneficial, what content would be helpful for you and/or your school community? *
14. Please provide any other thoughts, ideas, suggestions about how to strengthen the effectiveness of our SSTs throughout BPS
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