Meet your music data copilot

Your go-to source for detailed music credits

Try Jaxsta for free
Every credited artist and contributor
Releases and Recordings
Including major label and indie releases
Accurately matched to recordings

Discover music credits confidently

Jaxsta is the largest music credits database globally, sourced directly from over 380+ industry partners,
including labels, publishers, and distributors. Jaxsta solves the music industry's metadata issues.
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Effortless search and discovery

Save time and skip the hassle of endless Google searches, Wikipedia pages, and unreliable crowd-sourced options. With Jaxsta's powerful search, you get instant, accurate answers from the world's largest verified music credits database—100% trustworthy and never scraped from the web.
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Empowering everyone who works with music data

From researchers and PROs to royalty administrators and legal professionals, Jaxsta is built for those who need accurate music credits fast. Whether you’re verifying data, managing royalties, or exploring the hidden contributors behind your favorite tracks, our platform makes accessing reliable, verified information easier than ever.
Over 380+ data partners, including
  • universal music group logo
  • sony music entertainment logo
  • warner music group logo
  • distro kid logo
  • the mcl logo
  • unknow logo
  • riaa logo

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our most common questions.
Why is music metadata so messy?

Music metadata is often messy because it comes from various sources like labels, artists, and publishers, each using different formats. Manual entry errors, missing details, and outdated information from older catalogs add to the problem. With no single authority verifying all data, inconsistencies are common.

Jaxsta is on a mission to solve this by processing, cleaning, and aggregating data from trusted industry sources, making it easy to find what you're looking for.

Still thinking about it?

Start your 14-day free trial to explore all the features and see how Jaxsta can streamline your work.
GRID Financial Management, Royalty Administration
As a business management firm specializing in royalty collection, Jaxsta's provided metadata has proven to be essential in our mission to maximize our client's royalties with various CMOs. Nowhere else on the internet are you able to find such specific and official metadata.

Bryan Patrick Franklin
Bryan Patrick Franklin

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