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UBS Family Business at the Swartz Center

Family Business at the Swartz Center

Scroll through your favorite streaming service and you’ll see that family businesses have captured our cultural imagination. Whether the Duncans, the Roys, or the Hos. And for good reason–they are relatable to many of us.

Family Businesses are also the chief form of global enterprise. Accounting for the vast majority of all businesses, there is no more significant structure of enterprise worldwide than the family business. Studies show that family firms, on average, outperform and outlast non-family businesses. They are an important way that communities build wealth. The family business also represents a uniquely complex enterprise to manage. Building on our 2021-2022 Strength in Numbers program, through which we’ve worked intensively with family businesses all all stages and scales throughout our Pittsburgh community, we have developed programming to better support our Carnegie Mellon and Pittsburgh area family business leaders.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Gemini Food Corporation
Howard Hanna

Engage with Us

Meredith Meyer Grelli

Meredith Meyer Grelli
Director of Project Olympus
Assistant Dean for Entrepreneurial Initiatives
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, Tepper School of Business
Entrepreneur in Residence, Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship

Faculty member Meredith Meyer Grelli, is a family business founder and owner, who deeply understands the unique complexities facing family firms.

Leif Johnson, Jr

Leif Johnson, Jr.
Co-Facilitator, Family Business

Sonya Ford

Sonya Ford
Program Manager
Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship

Allyson Hince

Allyson Hince
Program Manager
Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship

Aleks Petkov

Aleksandar Petkov
Program Manager
Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship

Sign Up here for Entrepreneurship through Acquisition Opportunities and programming dedicated to privately held firms and family businesses! 


* indicates required
221201_giSuccess and Innovation at Giant Eagle Talkanteagleleadershipseriestalk_040_em.jpg 221201Giant Eagle, Inc. Chair and CEO Laura Shapira Karet and Chairman Emeritus David Shapira_gianteagleleadershipseriestalk_043_em.jpg Helen Hanna Casey & Meredith Grelli

Family Business Leadership Speaker Series

Family Business Speaker Series, Open to the Community

Each year, we invite Family Business Leaders to join us for a talk open to the Tepper and broader Pittsburgh community.

Speakers include family business leaders, family enterprise thinkers, as well as advisors targeting particular pain points around succession, valuation, mediating family conflict and other family business specific topics.

2024-25 Family Business Leadership Speaker Series 

Kristy Knichel

Kristy Knichel
CEO & Owner
Knichel Logistics

Friday, March 21, 2025
12:00 - 1:00 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue


The Family Business Initiative in collaboration with EDIE is pleased to host Kristy Knichel, CEO & Owner of Knichel Logistics. Kristy's Keynote will kick off a hackathon with the goals of increasing the participation of women in heavy industry. Kristy will speak to her role building and leading her family's company, Knichel Logistics. The Family Business Initiative Leadership Speakers Series is a program of the Tepper School of Business and the Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship.

Stuart Weitzman

Stuart Weitzman

Stuart Weitzman Shoes

An Entrepreneurial Journey on the Road Less Traveled 

Monday, September 16, 2024
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue

Stuart Weitzman’s passion for design has been a lifelong pursuit, leading to the internationally renowned company that bears his name.  He has been honored extensively for his unique approach to entrepreneurship, and for his uncompromising commitment to prioritizing function as an integral element of fashion. 

His shoes have dominated red carpet events for many years and are worn by celebrity fans around the world. Beyoncé, Kate Middleton, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lopez are just a few who are regularly seen in his designs, along with millions of other women in over 70 countries.

Weitzman approaches his extensive charitable endeavors with equal commitment. Among these are his ongoing support for a wide range of hospitals and medical research centers, youth and sports organizations, cultural institutions and museums. He regularly mentors students on their entrepreneurial and design aspirations at several universities, including the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Rice, Stanford, University of Chicago and the London Business School. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business at Penn, where the university has honored him by renaming their design and architecture school the Stuart Weitzman School of Design.

During his free time you may find him on the tennis court or at the ping- pong table. If you’ve got a racket, he’ll welcome the challenge.

In partnership with the Tepper School of Business and the School of Design.

2023-24 Family Business Leadership Speaker Series

It’s How We Play The Game: How DICK’S Built Its Business From a Small Bait and Tackle Shop to America’s Largest Sporting Goods Retailer

Edward W. Stack
Executive Chairman, Dick's Sporting Goods

Wednesday, November 29, 2023
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. EST
CMU, Simmons A, Tepper Quad, 4765 Forbes Avenue

Managing a Multi Cultural and Intergenerational Family Business

George Tong (MSIA '90)
President, Gemini Food Corporation

Wednesday, February 7, 2024
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue

Helen Hanna Casey, CEO, Hanna Holdings

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue

2022-23 Family Business Leadership Speaker Series

Success and Innovation at Giant Eagle

Laura Shapira Karet
Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Giant Eagle, Inc.

David S. Shapira
Chairman Emeritus, Board of Directors, Giant Eagle, Inc.
Chairman, David S. and Karen A. Shapira Foundation

December 1, 2022
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue


From Mississippi Dirt Roads to the Obama Presidential Center:  Building Generational Success

Stephanie Hickman
President & CEO, Trice Construction Company

Tuesday, February 7, 2023
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. EST
CMU, Simmons A, Tepper Quad, 4765 Forbes Avenue

Emily Sheetz, VP of Strategy and IT , Sheetz, Inc

Wednesday, March 22, 2023
12:30 - 1:30 p.m. EST
CMU Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship, Tepper Quad, 3rd Floor, 4765 Forbes Avenue

Giant Eagle Talk Participants Gazal Makkar Helen Hanna Casey Talk

Peer Advisory Groups

In Spring 2023, the Swartz Center will kick off 6-8 person advisory groups which will meet on campus once every 6 weeks. The group will meet for a brief 15-20 minute talk by Tepper Faculty in the Swartz Center. Then the advisory groups will break out into separate rooms for confidential discussions. We will create these advisories, grouping businesses at like stages of development. We will provide a new prompt each session and a faculty or an alumni moderator for each group. All groups will sign NDAs and will be held to strict confidentiality.

Interested in participating? Email to be added to the list of interested business owners.

Meredith Grelli and George TongTepper Courses Relevant to Family Business Leaders

  • 45-819 Family Business
  • 45-807 Commercialization & Innovation Strategy
  • 45-817 Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition

Family Business Course

Family Business Course

Offered through Tepper School of Business

This course is geared towards students who are involved with the management of a family business, either their own or someone else’s. The course is relevant as well to those interested in family firms as prospective targets in mergers and acquisitions, as well as students interested in a career supporting family enterprises via succession planning, estate planning, or through management consulting.

Offered Annually, Mini 2

Featured Family Business Class Speakers

Stephanie Hickman

Stephanie Hickman
President & CEO
Trice Construction Company
Chicago, IL

Melissa Rackoff

Melissa Rackoff
Principal & Director of Leasing
Brause Realty
New York, NY

Dan Reese

Dan Reese
The Milkshake Factory
Ann Arbor, MI

Mark Broadhurst

Mark Broadhurst
Chief Operating Officer
Parkhurst Dining
Pittsburgh, PA

Jaclyn Faulds

Jaclyn Faulds
Houston Harbaugh
Pittsburgh, PA

Anne Chen

Anne Chen
Chief Idea Builder
Cincinnati, OH

Justin McIlhatten

Justin McElhattan
Industrial Scientific
Pittsburgh, PA

David Henry

David Henry
Houston Harbaugh
Pittsburgh, PA

Peter Rackoff

Peter Rackoff
Vice President, Operations and Strategic Partners
Andritz Metals