Dear Mayor and Commissioners,

_______________ Business Association supports the full funding for Venture Portland to increase their support for Portland’s diverse business districts. These commercial corridors are vital to Portland’s economy through millions of dollars generated by business license fees and tourism revenue. Venture Portland’s work will continue to positively impact business districts during these difficult times.

In the last year, Venture Portland’s programs have helped _______________ Business Association do ________________, ________________, and __________________.

As you know, our district has historically been underserved by the City of Portland. Now more than ever, Venture Portland’s support is crucial. And, just as in other business districts across the city, many businesses in our district are struggling to become financially stable. Not only do we, as local business owners, rely more and more on Venture Portland’s resources to carry out the goals of our association, but we are in dire need of Venture Portland’s grant funding, training, and technical support to effectively market and promote our district.

We were devastated to learn that Venture Portland’s funding had been cut and after nearly 40 years, the organization’s future was in jeopardy. Business districts need creative thinking to help us endure the ongoing struggles created by the current economic climate and the state of our city. I urge you to restore Venture Portland’s funding so we can maintain the vitality of our business district.

With businesses closing at an alarming rate and many others fighting for survival, restoring Venture Portland’s aid for the small businesses and business districts that fund the City and provide 300,000 jobs makes fiscal sense.

Please ensure that Portland supports its small businesses and fully fund Venture Portland.



TITLE, _______________ Business District

Portland City Council Contact Info


District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4