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Ladies and the Listening Gap

May 23, 2024

You’ve probably read the recent report from Alan Burns & Associates about what women want from radio. If you haven’t then I urge you to do so – especially if you are programming a station that targets women.

Being the data geeks that we are, this comprehensive report was a wealth of information about the radio wants and desires for women. What struck me was that their overall feeling about AM/FM radio was positive.

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May 16, 2024

Rounding third and heading for home, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC.  – along with the inside baseball nerds from XTRENDS – take another swing at the APRIL survey. We’re stepping up to the plate to bring you the in-depth ratings analysis you can only get from our crew of seasoned veterans. Hopefully, we will complete this game without a call to the bullpen or striking out.

This tape measure survey began on MARCH 28TH and recorded its third out on APRIL 24TH. It did not have any legal holidays, though it did include the EASTER weekend and signaled the official beginning for the boys of summer. We’re ready to play and here’s the first pitch…

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May 15, 2024

Once again, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in a close-knit formation with the spreadsheet warriors from XTRENDS – are going boldly forward into the past. While being “present” and “centered” and “grounded” are perfectly good and certainly mindful, it does not help when looking over one’s shoulder.

Yes, this whole ratings paradigm is all about predicting the future based on what has already happened. So we gaze fondly back at the APRIL survey, a 28-day cycle that began on MARCH 28TH and became extinct on APRIL 24TH. We celebrated EASTER, Mother Earth, and collectively hummed “Take Me Out To The Ballgame.”  Here’s what history has taught us…

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May 14, 2024

By this point in the NIELSEN calendar, things should have gotten back to whatever passes for normal. The chaos caused by the holiday hostilities are now but a distant memory. We’ve yet to approach the end of the school year and the beginning of vacation season. As a result, the APRIL survey – from a real-world perspective – was somewhat benign. There were no federally-mandated three-day weekends. Other than weather-related events and the EASTER holiday, it was a fairly uneventful month.

The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in a symbiotic relationship with the wizards of XTRENDS – are here to breathe some life into a survey that began on MARCH 28TH and concluded on APRIL 24th. The story goes something like this…

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May 13, 2024

As predictable as the tides, every 28 days the ebbs and flows of the Nielsen metaverse are foisted upon us. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in an affiliated agreement with the masters of the metadata from XTRENDS – are here to guide you through the chaos. Nay, we do more than guide. We offer insight, perspective, and just a wee bit of snarkiness.

Welcome to part one of the APRIL recap. This book ran from MARCH 28th through APRIL 24th. We were forced to navigate the EASTER holiday, the first pitches of the baseball season, and whatever local calamity befell the markets in question. Buckle up, it could be a bumpy ride.

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