Black caucus chairman opposes DNC plan to weaken superdelegate influence

Cedric Richmond is pictured. | Getty Images

Intensifying a dispute over superdelegates ahead of a Democratic National Committee meeting next week, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond on Monday urged committee members to oppose a plan to weaken superdelegates’ influence in the presidential nominating process.

In a letter to DNC Chairman Tom Perez, Richmond (D-La.) said the proposal would “disenfranchise elected officials” who serve as superdelegates.

“There should be enough room in the process to include the perspective of local party activists and officials, and Members of Congress,” Richmond wrote. “One group should not be harmed at the expense of the other.”

He added, “to add insult to injury, it appears that this is a solution in search of a problem. Unelected delegates have never gone against the will of primary voters in picking Democratic presidential nominees.”

Many House Democrats previously expressed concerns about efforts to curb the influence of superdelegates, and Richmond’s opposition was not unexpected. But his letter signals the likelihood of a contentious gathering when the DNC meets in Chicago next week. A group of superdelegates outside of Congress has been organizing an opposition effort, as well.

The proposal, passed overwhelmingly by the DNC’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, would prohibit superdelegates from voting on the first presidential nominating ballot at a contested national convention. The overhaul has been a priority of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ supporters since the 2016 election and was backed by many Hillary Clinton supporters, as well.