This 'disingenuous' GOP election strategy calls Biden an anti-white racist
Joe Biden (AFP)

Republicans aren't racist. Joe Biden is — and he hates white people, according to former Trump aide Stephen Miller's America First Foundation.

“When did racism against white people become OK?” the Foundation's ad asks before claiming that Biden is discriminating against white people.

The Washington Post’s Fact Checker has already called the ad false, saying it has “significant factual error and/or obvious contradictions." Normally fact-checks end there, but the Post took it an extra step further, calling it a “disingenuous stew that claim the Biden administration and liberals are harming Whites with policies intended to deal with racial inequities, such as minority communities being more affected by the coronavirus pandemic.”

The problem, MSNBC's Jesse Holland suggests, is that facts don't matter anymore and the MAGA Republican Party has adopted spreading incredulously false information.

"These ads are peddling fear," he continued. "The obvious goal is that, despite white Americans controlling the federal government, American corporations, the entertainment industry, the financial industry and just about every other facet of American life, frightened white people will hear the ad and say, 'We need to vote Republican to stop the rampant discrimination against white people!'"

Political strategists continue to push this strategy because they think it will work in a message to white Americans, Holland notes. Polls and studies suggest it might actually work.

Holland hopes that white voters are smarter than that.

"But the people distributing those ads will be monitoring Tuesday’s vote to see how effective they were. But given the findings that significant numbers of white people somehow believe white people are losing, those ads have a high likelihood of being effective. Which only means we’ll see a lot more like them as we approach 2024," wrote Holland.

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