AFT-Sponsored Annual Events
AFT-sponsored events are intensive versions of the kind of work we do year in, and year out. They encapsulate our key values: They are high quality, largely teacher-created, focused on issues relevant to teachers and students, and collaborative in nature.
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We offer webinars and other professional learning opportunities year-round.
TEACH Conference
The AFT TEACH (Together Educating America's Children) conference is held every other July in Washington, D.C. AFT TEACH provides an unforgettable experience filled with inspiration and ideas to bring back to school for the year ahead. Each professional development workshop is custom-developed for TEACH by AFT members and other experts to directly focus on tools and strategies to support educators and their efforts to help kids and communities succeed. Learn more.
Share My Lesson Virtual Conference
This three-day virtual conference offers a remarkable lineup of more than 30 professional learning webinars. From STEM, ELA and civics education and instructional strategies to social-emotional learning and mental health, thousands of educators come together to collaborate, learn and be inspired through Share My Lesson’s virtual conference. The conference is free to members and non members. CEUs are offered.
25,000 registrations for the 2024 Virtual Conference
2 million members of SML
Summer Educator Academy
The AFT sponsors this 10-day event, which offers a variety of research-based professional learning. The Summer Educator Academy is based on the train-the-trainer model of professional development, which develops AFT’s national bench of trainers and helps local unions build the capacity to deliver high-quality professional learning locally. Learn more.
Center for School Improvement Leadership Institute
The CSI Leadership Institute, created in collaboration with the United Federation of Teachers Teacher Center and AFT national partners, focuses on helping teams discover how to collaboratively create sustainable systems change—around the issues impacting their own schools’ students, educators and families.
Through intensive work sessions, teams strengthen their collective leadership capacity, as well as learn how to lead and facilitate school transformation that results in improved student performance and improved teaching and learning environments; the teams dig deeper into their local data and integrate strategies to improve school culture and climate, always with an eye toward sustainability. The CSI Leadership Institute focuses on data analysis, effective communication, professional development, and action planning and execution.
TEACH gave me renewed energy to jump-start this school year with great tools, motivation and materials!
Tricia Bush
Jefferson Federation of Teachers
“As a presenter, I have had the opportunity to share my experiences; and as an attendee, I’ve been able to soak in the inspiration. Being a part of Share My Lesson influences not only me, but also the profession, as we grow. The impact of this experience ripples through our planning, our community, and ultimately our students, as they benefit from our collective knowledge.
Amber Chandler, president
Frontier Central Teachers Association
The Strategies for Student Success training has been very informative, interactive, engaging, and well worth my time.
Dr. Casey Collins
Washington Teachers' Union
[CSI] is my first AFT learning experience, and it was just eye-opening, a moment of awareness of how we are all connected. Teachers, administration, students,
working together toward
this one goal.
Jennifer Drinkwater-Rodriguez
Staten Island, N.Y.