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Questions for Discussion and Reflection:
Be Obedient in the Wilderness
John 12:1-11
- Mary’s act of anointing Jesus was an extravagant display of devotion. How do you think she felt in that moment, especially with others questioning her actions?
- Have you ever felt called to do something that didn’t make sense to others? How did you respond?
- Judas criticizes Mary, questioning her choice. How can fear of judgment from others impact our obedience to God?
- Jesus affirms Mary’s act, saying she is preparing Him for burial. What does this teach us about trusting God, even when we don’t fully understand the bigger picture?
- How does obedience to God bring stability, even when we don’t know what’s ahead?
- In what areas of your life do you struggle with obedience because of fear or uncertainty?
- What is one small step of obedience you can take this week, even if you don’t see the full picture yet?
Be Centered in the Wilderness
John 11:45-54
- How does fear influence our decisions, especially when faced with change or uncertainty? The religious leaders reacted to Lazarus’ resurrection with fear—have you ever resisted something new or different because of fear?
- What does Jesus’ retreat after this moment teach us about handling opposition or conflict? When have you needed to step back to gain clarity or strength?
- The religious leaders feared losing control and status—how do we sometimes prioritize comfort over transformation? Where might God be inviting you to let go of control and trust?
- In what ways can we prepare spiritually for difficult seasons, as Jesus did? What practices help you stay grounded in faith when facing uncertainty?
- How can we respond to moments of disorientation with faith instead of fear? What encourages you to trust God’s bigger picture, even when the path ahead isn’t clear?
Getting Ready for BeWilderment
John 11:1-46 (Ash Wednesday Scripture)
- How do you typically approach the season of Lent? What does it mean to you?
- The pastors described sin as anything that separates us from God. What are some things in your life that might be creating distance between you and God?
- Have you ever experienced a season of “disorientation” in your faith? How did that time shape or change you?
- The pastors talked about orientation, disorientation, and reorientation in faith. Can you think of a time when you moved through these stages in your spiritual journey?
- In the story of Lazarus, both Martha and Mary express frustration that Jesus wasn’t there sooner. Have you ever felt like God was “delayed” in answering a prayer? How did that experience impact your faith?
- Lent is often seen as a time of giving something up, but it can also be a time of taking something on. What is one spiritual practice or habit you could embrace this Lent?
- The theme of “Bewildered” suggests that faith isn’t always about having the answers, but learning to trust in the midst of uncertainty. How does this idea challenge or encourage you?