Erik Blutinger, MD, MSc, FACEP

New York, NY

Dr. Erik Blutinger is an expert in acute, unscheduled medical care as a board-certified Emergency Medicine attending physician. He serves as a Medical Director, practicing clinician, and patient advocate for the Mount Sinai Health System. His dedicated efforts ensure the highest standards of patient care within the community, offering invaluable guidance to paramedics and program administration. He holds medical licenses across over 10 States including KY, CT, MD, FL, CA, TX, CT, NY, AZ, GA, and others. He has extensive experience in public speaking, consultancy, broadcast and print journalism, and leadership in organized medicine.

His media presence and publications have been crucial in disseminating vital healthcare information, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Expert Witness

  • Highly trained in the global and critical medical care of both routine and acutely ill patients
  • Board certified in Emergency Medicine
  • Completed residency training in one of the busiest Emergency Rooms in the U.S.
  • Master's degree attained in Health Policy
  • Actively practicing Emergency Medicine in multiple states while leading strategy for alternative care models with a large health care system
  • Expert in public speaking, broadcast / print journalism, and leadership in organized medicine

Dr. Blutinger is registered in the National SEAK Directory of Medical File Review Consultants

Health Consulting

Dr. Blutinger serves on the Strategic Advisory Board of multiple health start-up companies at all levels of maturity. Companies have included Biofourmis, Tell Health, RIVANNA, and VisualDx among others.

Significant consulting experience in the following areas:
  • Out of Network Medical Billing
  • Telemedicine
  • Home Care Delivery
  • Health Care Policy Writing
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Health Care Reform
  • Scope of Practice
  • Rural Health

Organized Medicine

Erik's commitment to the emergency medicine community is underscored by his previous role across organized medical organizations that include EMRA, ACEP, the AMA, and MSSNY.

logoAs an Emergency Medicine Residents Association (EMRA) board member, he oversaw policy issues affecting numerous residents and co-founded EMRA's Health Policy Academy.

logoHe is a committed committee member of the International Federation of Emergency Medicine (IFEM). Serving on the Core Curriculum and Education Committee, he actively shapes IFEM's educational direction, contributing significantly to developing emergency medicine content and specialty training programs on a global scale.

logoHe is a passionate advocate for emergency medicine policy and ethics. As a member of various Committees of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), he identifies effective state and local initiatives, publishes articles on ethical issues in emergency medicine and contributes to essential task forces.

logoHe leads the Young Phyisican Section (YPS) and serves on multiple Committees.

In summary, Dr. Blutinger's unwavering dedication to improving emergency medicine, medical education and healthcare policy has profoundly impacted patients, learners and communities worldwide.



After treating hundreds of COVID-19 patients on the frontlines amidst the NYC "peak," I’ve tackled several initiatives while working a full-time clinical load:
  • Submitted edits to the U.S. Senate HELP Committee “Preparing for the next Pandemic” white paper (June 9, 2020) courtesy of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
  • Built a clinical resource guide (how to setup a ventilator) for our community Emergency department (ED)
  • Found ways to better organize and catalog our national medical supply chain, establishing private and public partnerships
  • Written numerous advocacy articles including an Op-Ed piece for ITV news

Population health

Working on connecting EM practice to policy for change to happen locally. Current work includes:
  • Research social determinants of health in vulnerable populations during COVID-19
  • Write newspaper articles advocating for equal rights to ethnic, vulnerable populations (including ACEPNow)
  • Review journal articles submitted to the American Journal of Emergency Medicine (AJEM)
  • Serve on multiple national ACEP Committees (including the Ethics, and State Legislative/Regulatory Committees)
  • Completed an MSc degree in health policy (c/o London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and the London School of Economics (LSE), 2014)

Global health

The strengthening of global health systems is unavoidable and necessary. I’m always looking for ways to play at least a small part:
  • Helped initiate the American Bhutanese Associates for Health (ABAH) to provide medical equipment donations to the Kingdom of Bhutan including multiple in-country visits to the regions of Mongar, Gelephu and Thimphu.
  • Worked clinically in multiple countries including South Africa (Khayelitsha), Guatemala (Xela), and the United Kingdom (London)
  • Participated in global EM training by writing for the International Emergency Medicine Education Project (iEM) and connecting with medical students in Guatemala and South Africa via clinical rotations
  • Served on planning committee for the International Conference on Emergency Medicine, hosted by the International Federation of EM (IFEM), in Buenos Aires (2020)
  • Accepted for performing a clinical elective with Partners In Health in Mirabelle, Haiti (postponed due to U.S. State Department travel warning)

Health innovation

Motivated to use my clinical experience for elevating the care and compassion provided to patients using technology and entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Work part-time in telehealth to facilitate medical care remotely
  • Current advisor to SafeSphere, a new proximity, mobile-technology based detection system that promotes social distancing measures for keeping people safe (Patent-pending)
  • Developing new simulation-based curriculum at Mount Sinai Queens Hospital (MSQ) with off-site, in-situ and tele-based learning modules (efforts in coordination with Mount Sinai STAR Center leadership)

Press (COVID-19)

Peer-reviewed Publications

Dr. Blutinger has made substantial contributions to peer-reviewed publications addressing critical topics in emergency medicine.
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Please contact me directly to discuss services and fees.