Register for MRA's April 23rd Capitol Day
Join members of Michigan’s retail industry – which provides nearly ONE IN FOUR JOBS in Michigan – to talk all things retail while enjoying drinks and appetizers catered by Michigan’s food and grocery industry. 

What: Meetings in small groups with legislators

When: 11:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 23
            Followed up MRA's legislative reception from 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Where: Downtown Lansing, Michigan
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If you'd like to attend Michigan Retailers Association's 2025 Capitol Day please complete the following information. There is no fee for MRA members to attend Capitol Day. Detailed information will be sent closer to the date and a virtual meeting will be held in early-mid April.
Name(s): *
Retail store/business: *
Retail store address(es) please include the complete address with zip code. This will be used to determine which legislators represent your business. If you have more than one store, please list all Michigan locations and addresses. *
Email address: *
Phone number:
Any special requests? Please only complete this section if there are specific lawmakers you with to meet with or legislative issues/topics you want to address.
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