
Ed enjoys the Philly House Urban Garden.

Hi, My name is


Ed is a soft-spoken, mild-mannered man who knows God’s voice. Ed has been an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God and has earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Valley Forge. “I am a teacher, minister and God follower. I want to shine a light in the darkness,” Ed said with a smile on his face.

Ed first came to Philly House when he lived in Philadelphia and volunteered at Philly House as a chapel speaker more than ten years ago. Since then, Ed has traveled across the country, sharing God’s love with people in need from Alaska to South Carolina. He is committed to his Christian faith and helping others to grow and realize their God-given potential.

While in South Carolina in October 2020, Ed lost his wallet, including his vital records and all of his banking information. As a pandemic gripped the world, Ed, a 69-year-old veteran, was left without many options. Facing homelessness, he immediately thought of Philly House 500 miles north back in Philadelphia.

I knew that Philly House was a place where I could get the support I needed to get things straightened out and be a part of an authentic Christian community.
— Ed

After arriving at Philly House, not as a volunteer but as a guest, Ed reminded us that we all could face challenges that require us to ask for a hand up. His first order of business was meeting with one of our case managers, to get copies of his birth certificate and social security card, which he needed to get  a new PA “REAL ID.” A case manager also helped get him connected with the Philadelphia Veteran Multi-Service Center.

While he worked closely with a case manager Ed also saw an opportunity to help others. Philly House had always been a place where serving others was important. “This is a place where you know you can help, and your help will be appreciated,” Ed shared.  Within a week of arriving at Philly House, Ed started a daily morning bible study. Together, alongside anyone who would join him, Ed fostered a community that studied God’s word, shared triumphs and struggles and prayed with one another.

After just 55 days, Ed moved into a one-bedroom apartment in North Philadelphia. Join us as we celebrate Ed, his new place and most of all his heart for God!


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Jeremy Montgomery