Welcome to TNCaB, Tennessee's Charity and Business Filing System
You must create an account the first time you use TNCaB and then sign in every time you want to view or file documents. This is a new requirement implemented for security purposes, but it also gives you access to enhanced features that were not previously available. For example, after logging in, you can:
- view all your filings on the My Completed Filings tab. After your filing is accepted, you can access your documents. There's no need to search for old email messages with links to your documents.
- save a draft of your filing. There's no need to rush to complete your filing in a single session. Draft filings are available on the My Filings tab for up to 14 days after they are created.
- edit and resubmit rejected filings. You can correct rejected filings and resubmit them rather than having to start over from scratch. You can edit and resubmit a rejected filing for up to 14 days after it was rejected.