Calendar of Events

Knoxville Community Darkroom: Classes & Workshops

  • January 23, 2021 — January 30, 2021

Category: Classes, workshops

January 23rd Workshop (Cyanotype Prints) 11AM-2PM - Learn one of the original photographic processes! Cyanotype is one of the oldest printing processes invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842. In this workshop, you will learn to make a unique one of a kind handmade print by coating various papers with Cyanotype chemicals and developing them in the sun. A materials fee of $40 is due at or before the event. This class is limited to 5* participants. Be sure to register for the event by Friday, September 11th to secure your spot! You can pay in person or online. See additional details and sign up for the class here!

January 30th Workshop (Camera For Christmas) 11AM-2PM - Did you get a new camera for Christmas? Do you need some help figuring out all the buttons, dials, controls and settings? Many first time photographers have the same questions! What are all those settings for anyway? Do you need a computer? Or for film photographers, once they take the pictures, how do they develop them? Let The Knoxville Community Darkroom make it easy for you! Cost is $50 per person. Sign up for the event at the link here!