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Cannabis job fair to help Stockton students, general public get into new industry

Ahmad Austin Jr.
Burlington County Times

GALLOWAY TWP. - Stockton University next week will host the Cannabis Career Fair and Business Expo, bringing a slew of industry leaders to the campus to provide insight and talk about open positions at their respective companies.

Beginning at 8:30 a.m. Nov. 17, the expo will feature keynote speakers and former NFL players Dominique Easley and Jordan Reed, who now own cannabis apothecary Legacy Partners. Those in attendance will also have the opportunity to have professional headshots taken as they talk with potential employers.

"Employment in the cannabis industry is the next wave of opportunity for students and professionals looking to answer the question 'what's next?'" said Edmund DeVeaux, president of the New Jersey CannaBusiness Association. DeVeaux will moderate a panel focused on opportunities in non-leaf touching businesses.

Companies slated to attend include The Botanist, The Lantern, Columbia Care, 420NJEvents and more. Tickets are $20 for students and $100 for the general public. Those who attend are encouraged to bring copies of their resume and dress professionally. Columbia Care will be offering to take professional headshots, as well.

"As an institution of higher education, Stockton University has been at the forefront of preparing our students to enter this new industry," said Ekaterina Sedia, a professor of Biology and coordinator of the university's Minor in Cannabis Studies. "It is our responsibility as educators to ensure that our students have a wide knowledge base to prepare them for the ever-changing world, but also to give them enough skills to take advantage of novel employment opportunities."

To register, go to

Ahmad Austin Jr. is a lifelong South Jersey resident telling stories within the healthcare and cannabis industries for Burlington County Times, Courier-Post and The Daily Journal. For story tips, reach out at

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