Proposed Standard BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x will be the 3rd edition of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301, Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Dwelling and Sleeping Units using an Energy Rating Index. The new edition will include all addenda and interpretations of the 2019 edition and provide additional clarifications. Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum A-2019 updates the Standard for consistency with current energy ratings for clothes washers and dryers and dishwashers. Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum B-2020 incorporates calculations for HVAC quality installation grades determined according to new Standard ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310-2020. The significant changes proposed in the draft in addition to those in the Addenda and interpretations are as indicated below.
The second draft PDS-02 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x incorporates changes to draft PDS-01 made in response to public comments, additional interpretations and changes to improve the consistency of ratings generated by the RESNET accredited rating software programs. Those changes are indicated by strike-through and underline text in red print.
Significant changes draft PDS-02 makes to draft PDS-01 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x include:
- Revise the Scope to identify the parameters and quantities the standard establishes procedures to determine including energy use, the Energy Rating Index, retrofit savings, cost effectiveness, minimum rated features and the Label for the energy performance.
- Section 3: New definitions
- First Hour Rating
- Structural Insulated Panel
- Section 4: Changes to address energy consumption for dehumidification
- Section 4: Table 4.2.2(1)
- Add Above-grade walls separating Unconditioned Space Volume from Conditioned Space Volume to above-grade walls separating Conditioned Space Volume from outdoor environment as a building component to be modeled.
- Revise referenced standards and criteria for determining Solar Absorptance, Solar Reflectance and U-factors.
- Identify a location for placement of the water heater in the Rating Reference Home for modeling.
- Establish DSE = 1.00 for distribution systems with supply-side having total length not exceeding 10 ft.
- Clarify that where Dwelling Unit Mechanical Ventilation Systems (DUMVS) are specified but they lack controls to either provide continuous or programmed operation the Rated Home must be treated as a Dwelling Unit without a DUMVS.
- Revise the fan power for CFIS fans.
- Clarify that shared water heater’s tank losses are to be prorated based on the number of Bedrooms.
- Clarify that the predominant fuel type shall be determined based on weighted heating loads and where loads for different fuel types are equal fossil fuel shall be used for modeling.
- Require that when a water heater UEF is obtained the First Hour Rating shall also be obtained.
- To require that where the air distribution system leakage split between supply and return side is not measured, the air distribution system leakage to outdoors at 25 Pascal shall be split equally for modeling.
- To allow custom Framing Fractions to be used for Structural Insulated Panels.
- Revise and reformat the Default Framing Fractions Table.
- Add criteria for modeling roof eave assemblies together or separately with the ceiling main body.
- Renumber sections and equations coming after added new subsections.
- Section 4: Revise the external fan energy for modeling Ground Source Heat Pumps.
- Sections 4.6 and 4.7: Make subsection 4.6, Existing Home Retrofit Savings, and 4.7, Economic Cost Effectiveness, new sections 5. and 6. separate from section 4. Respectively and renumber following sections.
- Section 6: Add Normative References for standards related to Solar Absorptance, Reflectance and Transmittance.
- Appendix A:
- Add requirement for inspecting installation of insulation for compliance with the IECC.
- Clarify insulation installation requirement for floor cavities where insulation is not required to maintain permanent contact with the subfloor.
- Appendix B:
- Add requirement to designate the type of Structural Insulated Panel if used.
- Add reference standards for measuring Solar Reflectance when recording Wall Color.
- Add reference standards for measuring Solar Reflectance when recording Roof Color.
- Add two additional references for determining window U-value.
- Add reference to default estimates for Leakage of air ducts where leakage is not determined by tests.
- Add requirement to determine First Hour Rating when a UEF is recorded for water heater efficiency.
- Revise the designation of Standard 310 to included the ICC, ANSI/RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310-2020.
This second draft, PDS-02, of BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x is submitted for public comment for 45 days, from July 23, 2021 through September 6, 2021. Only the changes shown in draft PDS-01 by strike-through and underline text in red print are open for comment. To review and comment on the Draft follow the links below.
Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x
Comment on Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x
View comments on Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x
Tips and Reminders for Submitting Public Comments
- Comments must pertain to text in draft PDS-01 that is shown as either strikethrough or underlined and red print. Comments on portions of draft PDS-01 where no change is indicated will be rejected.
- Comments must include a specific proposed change to the text of the draft open for comment. Proposed added text must be underlined and text proposed to be removed must be shown using strike-through. If not submitted in this format, the public comment may be rejected.
- Do not submit comments on standards other than this one that is out for public comment.
- If you submit public comment representing the collective interests of a group of stakeholders, you are encouraged to submit ONE public comment and identify all stakeholders in that comment. While not required, this expedites the ability of the committees to respond to commenters in a timely manner.
- Public comments are reviewed by committees with volunteer members, that are Raters, Providers, Software Developers and other industry and public interest stakeholders. They are not reviewed by RESNET Staff.
- Most amendments to RESNET standards are proposed by industry and public stakeholders not RESNET. To learn more about submitting proposed amendments visit this page: