2025 YPC Interest Form
Thank you for expressing your interest in the Choose Clean Water Coalition's 2025 Young Professionals of Color (YPC) Mentorship Program! Our program provides mentorship to individuals seeking to excel in their careers, while strengthening the leadership abilities of their mentors. Participating in this unique partnership will foster better relationships among clean water partners and help build a pipeline of diverse leaders interested in advancing our watershed goals throughout the Chesapeake Bay region.

Next year’s program will run from January 2025 - December 2025. We will contact all applicants on the status of their application by the end of December 2024. The deadline to apply to participate in next year's YPC program, is Friday, November 15th, 2024 at 5PM. 

Interested YPC participants are expected to follow and uphold values that center in diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Below is list of criteria we will use to select and pair mentees and mentors in the YPC Program:

*Commitment to building and retaining a pipeline of diverse leaders and DEIJ principles within the environmental movement

*Dedicating 30-60 minutes of your time each month with your mentor/mentee throughout the year. 

*Commitment to the professional development of your mentee/mentor

*Committed to attending at least three virtual DEIJ trainings and one in-person training provided by the YPC Program
*Ability to be a thoughtful, empathetic, and effective mentee/mentor

*Desire to build a transformative experience for your mentee/mentor

*Commitment to growing your DEIJ professional development skill

*You must be 18 years or older to participate

You may reach out to Wuillam Urvina urvinaw@nwf.org with additional questions. 

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