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Entrant: FCB Lisboa, Lisbon
Brand: Penguin Random House Portugal
Title: "Portuguese (Re)Constitution"
Corporate Name of Client: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Portugal
Client Supervisor: Eurídice Gomes
Agency: FCB Lisboa, Lisbon
Agency Chief Executive Officer: Edson Athayde
Creative Director - Copy: Viton Araújo
Senior Copywriter: Viton Araújo
Senior Art Director: Diego Tórgo
Production Companies: Mola/Show Off, Lisbon
Director: Luciano Ottani
Sound Design Company: O Menino Grava, Lisbon
Sound Design Producer: Paulo Costa
Photographer: Ivo Cordeiro
Illustration Company: Norte, São Paulo
Illustrators: Ana Moreira/Antonio Jorge Goncalves/Bernardo Abreu/Caró Lago/Diego Tórgo/Eduardo Tavares/Fabian Gloeden/Filipa Pinto/Jorge Barrote/Maikon Nery/Marcelo Dalbosco/Marmota Vs Milky
Poets : Filipe Homem Fonseca/Gilson Barreto (Dela Mantra)/Gisela Casimiro/DJ Huba/Joao Silveira/Jorgette Dumby/Jose Anjos/Li Alves/Lila Tiago/Lucerna do Moco/Luis Perdigão/Maria Giulia Pinheiro/Marina Ferraz/Miguel Antunes/Nilson Muniz/Nuno Piteira/Paola D’Agostino/Rita Capucho/Rita Taborda Duarte/Sergio Coutinho 

Written Brief:
Penguin Random House is one of the most respected publishers in the world. However, despite having published influential Portuguese authors, Penguin is not yet seen as a brand connected with the local culture.

The publisher wanted a project capable of showing its knowledge and love for the Portuguese culture. Capable of generating engagement with Portuguese readers and awareness through earned media.

Instead of making an advertising campaign to communicate with the Portuguese, we decided to launch a book that addresses the most crucial moment in the country’s democracy. A unique project with the potential of generating awareness and earned it media. Spoiler alert: it did.

On the Carnation Revolution’s anniversary, Penguin Books offered blue pencils to contemporary artists. Inspired by the blackout poetry technique, they could re-invent the fascist constitution with poems using words selected from the historical document and illustrations covering the remaining ones. A symbol of repression turned into an art manifesto celebrating freedom.

The book grabbed the media's attention, being showcased on prime TV, the country's biggest radio stations, newspapers, and podcasts. With zero euros invested, the Portuguese (Re)Constitution gave 1 million in earned media to the Penguin Random House brand.

The book is now part of the permanent collection of the Aljube Museum, which is based in a former political prison. And It's being used at Portuguese schools to teach students the history of the revolution through art.