London International Awards

2022 Winners and Finalists

Regional Design Company of the Year: Europe
SERVICEPLAN Germany, Munich

Package Design
Use of Typography

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Entrant: SERVICEPLAN Germany, Munich
Brand: AROYA
Title: "Freedom Grams"
Corporate Name of Client: METER Group / AROYA
AROYA / METER Group: Christian Hertel/John Gorman/Ross Dallaire
PR Company: DiGennaro Communications, New York
PR Company Account Manager: J.P. Escobar
Agency: SERVICEPLAN Germany, Munich
Global Chief Creative Officer: Alex Schill
Chief Creative Officer: Matthias Harbeck
Executive Creative Directors: Franz Röppischer/Lorenz Langgartner
Creative Director: Naho Manabe
Agency Creative Director Video: Dennis Fritz
Creatives: Tanvi Phalak/Camille Nizet/Sanjeeta Saha/Saurabh Kakade/Mirjam Olga Strzata/Anastasiia Cherniavska/Changkyu Ku/Reinier Wortman/Lorenzo Colnaghi/Silvia Raquel Vega Bellido/Yago Guimaraes/John Gergen
Copywriters: Shruthi Subramanian/Sandra Valencia/Taro Taniwaki
Copywriter - Freelance: Björn Neugebauer
Art Directors: Rohil Borole/Kai West Schlosser/Eduardo Álvarez Lucas
Art Director - Freelance: Yamen Ibrahim
Agency Head of Sustainability Management: Julia Nicolaisen
Agency Head of Corporate Communications Serviceplan Agencies: Birgit Koch
Agency International Communications Officer: Lee Sharrock
Design Companies: Moby Digg, Munich/kimera, Munich
Designers: Benjamin Taschner/Lea Vornholt/Rebecca Burkhardt/Jonas Rosenwirth/Ludovico Fantoni
Art Director - kimera: Michael Clasen
Design Company CCO: Maximilian Heitsch
Product Designer - Freelance: Ashwin Suresh
Director/Cinematographer - Freelance: Tom Kubik
Camera Operator - Freelance: Felix Tonnat
Motion Designer - Freelance: Federico Leggio
CGI Artist - Freelance: Fabio Ziplies
Sound Mixer - Freelance: Reuben Colazo
Creative Producer - Salty Fruits: Imad El Rayess
Creative Producers - Aldesign: Hussein El Rayess/Alaa El Rayess
Photographer: Ewelina Bialoszewska
Photographer - OFF Films: Lisa Früchtl
Illustration Companies: Eat, Sleep + Design
Illustrators: Frank Gräfe/Till Schermer
Moby Digg Team: Marco Kawan/Robin Körner/Sophie Juch/Lisa Düspohl
Web Development Company: STD.DEV, Munich
Creative Code, Web Development - STD.DEV: Daniel Kuhnlein
Retailer / Manufacturer Company: Gaby Inc, Calgary
Gaby Inc: Charlie Rohlfs/William Kanistras
Casting Company: MassiveVoices, Berlin

While most people in the U.S. enjoy the benefits of cannabis legalization, 40,000 are still in prison for it, forgotten by the public. How can we get those who enjoy cannabis freely to fight for those who lost their freedom for it?

Freedom Grams. A cannabis brand that makes consumers aware that others are still in prison for amounts they can legally buy today. All proceeds fund legal action to get them out.

The design system is based on prison bars from which generative typography breaks free, symbolizing the project’s theme of liberation.

The custom variable type has two fonts: extended and condensed. Each character was constructed from two perspectives: from inside the grid and outside to show the contradiction between the treatment of consumers and those in prison.

The monogram of the brand represents the odd amounts (in grams) of cannabis, precise up to one decimal point.

The branded matchbook is relief printed and attached to each package, reminding consumers that they can ignite change.

The label generator tool allows even non-designers to generate the custom type and create Freedom Grams labels easily.

From the packaging, the stories unfold through AR and on a website, with all cases and ways to act: like signing petitions, contacting senators, and joining local groups. The editorial section on the website guides the user with data and evocative photography on cannabis consumption and prisons in the U.S.