London International Awards

2022 Winners and Finalists

Regional Post-Production Company of the Year: Asia
Rephrase.AI, Bengaluru

Best Use of Real Time Advertising

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Entrant: Ogilvy India, Mumbai
Brand: Cadbury Celebrations
Title: "Shah Rukh Khan-My-Ad"
Corporate Name of Client: Mondelez
Media Company: Wavemaker, Mumbai
Media Company Chief Client Officer and West Head, Chief Client Officer and West Head: Shekhar Banerjee
General Manager - Media Company: Brajesh Dwivedi
Agency: Ogilvy India, Mumbai
Chief Creative Officers: Kainaz Karmakar/Sukesh Nayak/Harshad Rajadhyaksha
Executive Creative Director: Neville Shah
Senior Creative Director: Sagar Jadhav
Group Creative Director: Hemant Sharma
Copywriters: Sukesh Nayak/Neville Shah/Hemant Sharma/Sagar Jadhav
Art Director: Sagar Jadhav
Associate President & Integrated Brand Team Lead: Prakash Nair
Senior Vice President : Antara Suri
Senior Agency Account Executive: Parshuram Mendekar
Agency Group Account Director: Smita Sodhia
Head of Strategic Planning: Ganapathy Balagopalan
Agency Planning Director: Bhakti Malik
Vice President Planning: Bhakti Malik
Agency Planners: Prasidh Dalvi/Anushka Mukherjee
Production Company: The Pack, Mumbai
Post-Production Company: Rephrase.AI, Bengaluru
Technology Partner Company: Delta X, Bengaluru

Cadbury Celebrations is a chocolate gift box and Diwali is its biggest business opportunity. But, India in 2021 was still coming to terms with a post-pandemic life and the new normal wasn't very welcoming to the thousands of small shops and local businesses.

While these local stores served as a lifeline to consumers for all these years, the pandemic had made consumers over cautious about hygiene and familiar with the convenience of door-to-door deliveries.

Additionally, the big e-commerce giants with their lucrative festive sales had everyone's attention. Shopping from the reliable small and local stores was the last thing on people's minds.

We made the biggest celebrity in the world, Shah Rukh Khan, the brand ambassador for thousands of small local neighbourhood stores. We created a hyper-personalised digital avatar of Shah Rukh Khan by regenerating his face and voice to replace the local store names in every ad.

The AI enabled system created thousands of permutations for the localised versions of the same ad, making ours the first ever hyper personalised ad. This was done for each of the 4 categories of local stores - Fashion, Footwear,

General and Electronics in the Cadbury distribution network. The same ad, featured different local stores and was served on Facebook and Youtube with stores featured closest to the viewer in real time.

The local store owners were also given a platform to create and share their own versions of Shah Rukh Khan-My-Ad where he promotes their individual stores.