London International Awards

2022 Winners and Finalists

Independent Health & Pharma Network of the Year: Real Chemistry

Pharma & Medical

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Entrant: 21GRAMS, London
Brand: Good Vibes
Title: "Good Vibes"
Corporate Name of Client: Royal United Hospital Bath
Clients: Dr Russell Luker/Tracie Miles
Agency: 21GRAMS, London
Agency Chief Executive Officer: Suzanne Jacobs
Global Chief Creative Officers: Frank Mazzola/Tom Richards
Group Creative Directors: Gregor Findlay/Kevin Colquhoun
Creative Directors: Katie Dean/Becci Nadin
Copywriter: Becci Nadin
Art Director: Katie Dean
Agency Head of Production: Jill Landaker-Grunes
Designer: Tim Fletcher
Agency Editor - Freelance: Rebecca Lally
Post Production Supervisor: Keith Dorsch

Every day in the UK 2 women die of cervical cancer and regular screening reduces the risk by 80%. But appointments are unpleasant and millions are missed annually. This insight, along with the increasing acceptance of sex toys, gave us the idea for Good Vibes.

A revolutionary way to perform a smear test at home, it's a cell collecting sheath that sits over your vibrator, using bristles that replicate those used in a clinical screening. Use as normal with your vibrator, then send off to for analysis. It removes current barriers and puts womens' wellbeing in their own hands, and homes.

Challenge Smear tests can reduce the risk of cervical cancer by up to 80%. Yet millions of appointments are missed annually in the UK alone, and a large percentage of women don't attend for fear it will hurt. This contributes to the 5,000 lives a year unnecessarily lost to cervical cancer.

Our creation removes the current barriers preventing attendance and makes the test more convenient and less invasive.

Proof of concept As a creative team we had the idea of Good Vibes just under a year ago.

During development two key players in the gynaecology industry have acted as medical advisors and mentors from our initial designs to current iteration. They have encouraged us to emulate the existing and proven sample collection design but enable it to be housed on a vibrator. Next steps: prototyping and clinical trials.

Ambition Our primary aim over the next 12 months is to create an accurate working prototype. We've started conversations with manufacturers & are looking for the right partner. Next would be deciding a path to the UK market, either commercially or as part of the NHS screening programme.

Success will be measured initially by achieving both these things.