London International Awards

2022 Winners and Finalists

Health & Wellness
Environmental Health

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Entrant: L&C New York, New York
Brand: Dole Sunshine Company + Ananas Anam
Title: "Piñatex"
Corporate Name of Client: Dole Sunshine Company + Ananas Anam
Agency: L&C New York, New York
Chief Creative Officers: Gian Carlo Lanfranco/Rolando Cordova
Creative Directors: Giancarlo Rodas/Tescia Deak/Greg Collins
Copywriters: Gian Carlo Lanfranco/Rolando Cordova/Greg Collins/Ana Lins
Art Directors: Rolando Cordova/Gian Carlo Lanfranco
Executive Agency Producer: Camden Elizabeth
Production Company: Suitcase Productions, New York
Director: Camden Elizabeth
Editors: Nicolas Lopez /Jose Jesus Pacheco
Music Production Company: Agosto Sound Craft, Lima
Music Executive Producer: Claudia Incio
Music Producer: Fito Zavalaga
Music Arranger: Charly Garcia

Every year, over 2.5 million tonnes of pineapple are grown in the Philippines. While the fruit is packaged to feed people all over the world, pineapple leaves are left behind.

For every tonne of pineapples harvested, 3 tonnes of leaves are wasted, and when left to rot, they can create methane emissions over 20 times more harmful than CO2.

To make a change, Dole, one of the largest producers of pineapples in the world, partnered with Ananas Anam to produce Piñatex – a vegan, cruelty-free and sustainable leather alternative, which is made from the fibre of pineapple leaves that would otherwise go to waste.