London International Awards

2022 Winners and Finalists

Brand Identity

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Entrant: Creative X, Meta, Menlo Park
Brand: Instagram
Title: "Instagram Brand Refresh"
Corporate Name of Client: Meta
In-House Company: Meta
Creative Directors: Daniel Soderstedt/Cynthia Pratomo/Enrique Mosqueda
Creative Director - Copy: Maud Deitch
Designer: Benjamin King
Head of Design: Zach Stubenvoll
Design Leads: Christy Silva/Brett Itaya
Director, Product Design: Brett Westervelt
Director, Design: May Hartono
Visual Artist: Rose Pilkington
Head of Creative, Instagram: Sue Anderson
VP, Head of Instagram Design: Luke Woods
VP, Marketing Instagram: Melissa Waters
Global Brand Strategists: Bex Wicks/Rafa Prellwitz
Brand Manager: Bryce Rosenberg
Director of Brand Strategy & Management: Catherine Anne Heath
Program Managers: Carmen Candelario/Hannah May
Design Agency Company: 2 x 4, New York
Type Foundry Company: Colophon Foundry, London

More than 1 billion people use Instagram to explore, share and push culture forward. The Instagram logo and gradient are more than just brand signifiers — they’re a part of the world. Ubiquitous and often appropriated, these key elements of the Instagram look and feel have lost their connection to the brand itself.

So, it was time for a refresh, and time to transform a beloved brand into an iconic one.

Creative Idea: From the start, our objective was to provide our global community with an immersive and inclusive experience by focusing on accessibility and legibility throughout the design process.

This redesign, which nods to our heritage, puts expression first — paving the way for our continuous evolution. After looking to history, we push forward, with elements that thrive not only on the app’s surface and in marketing, but in the surfaces we see as being an essential part of our future.

By modeling the new gradient in 3D, we assure that it will thrive in the dimensions of the metaverse, future-proofing it for years to come.

Execution: The redesign consists of three parts — the gradient, our new typeface Instagram Sans, and composition. These elements work together to bring out the vibrancy of the instagram community.

We developed a confident and refined system that highlights the most essential elements of the Instagram app. To bring new energy to the Instagram gradient, we asked 3D digital artist and motion designer Rose Pilkington to make it feel lit from within.

Instagram Sans was inspired by our design heritage, representing our identity both in app and in marketing. Our compositions now put our community at the forefront, with full-bleed imagery of real people — a reference to the experience of using Instagram.

Results: A more coherent visual language across product and brand New dynamic/motion gradient capabilities

A new more versatile, distinct and own-able typeface impacting our global community of 1 billion people

More expressive and inclusive type tool

A more vibrant and energetic brand expression