US Supreme Court Makes It Easier for Plaintiffs to Claim Discrimination Under Title VII

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The current Supreme Court’s majority takes consistently extreme positions, out of the mainstream.  Many of the High Court’s decisions are sharply divided along political lines.  Many citizens and commentators believe that decisions are made depending upon whether a justice was nominated by Republican or Democratic Presidents. Yet the justices were able to get past their…

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What Will Happen if Anonymous Sperm Donation Isn’t So Anonymous?

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Should children whose biological fathers were sperm donors be legally entitled to know their identities? That’s an issue being confronted in some state legislatures. It brings up many potential relationship medical, and legal issues. Genetics Matter to a Point It’s well established that the genetic code handed down from your ancestors largely controls your physical…

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Ending an Abusive Marriage When You’re Older

husband punching wife

As Americans age, divorce among older spouses has become common. Often, the separations are amicable.  Yet sometimes abusive spouses poison their relationships and their partners end the marriage because they have had enough. Age and relationship abuse cause unique challenges. Is Your Spouse Abusive? Abuse takes many forms, and you may be subjected to more…

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