Big Heart — That's You!
Welcome to Bless Your Pastor! Thank you for joining the movement to show and share God’s love for your pastor. In case you missed your original download, click here to access the list of "50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor."
50 Creative Ways
3 Easy Steps to Bless Your Pastor
These three steps are also described in this PDF (English/Spanish).
Step 1 | Share the 50 Ways list with your entire church! If you aren't the best person to be able to make that happen, pass this on to someone on the church board or leadership team. There are several different formats of the 50 Ways list, so your church leaders can choose what works best for them.
Step 2 | Take up an appreciation offering for your pastor. Imagine your pastor's face when receiving an unexpected financial gift from the church body.
Step 3 | Celebrate your pastor by collecting notes, praying for them in the church service, planning an appreciation meal, and/or other ways of celebrating that your pastor would appreciate. 
Extra Gift! | If this is the first year for your church to complete all 3 steps of the Bless Your Pastor campaign and if you collected at least $100 through an Appreciation Offering, we want to send your pastor a special blessing, too. Fill out the gift card form, and a $100 Amazon card from us (thanks to a generous grant!) will be on its way to your pastor. 
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