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With early voting starting Monday, February 20, make a commitment to vote in the March primary and the November general election as an advocate for public education. The 5.4 million children in Texas public schools need your help in electing state leaders who understand the importance of a quality education for every child.
Let's come together as a CommYOUnity and back the future of our kids.
Make the PLEDGE today.
Governor and Lt. Governor
Candidate Questionnaire

The mission of Texas PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We encourage our members to participate in electoral politics as fully informed voters. In preparation for the March primary, Texas PTA developed a questionnaire for governor and lieutenant governor candidates on issues related to public education and the welfare of children and youth. Each candidate was invited to submit brief answers to 12 questions. It is our hope that the completed questionnaires will better equip public education advocates this election season.

READ the candidates' responses.

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