Global Innovation + Training
Global Innovation + Training


The Power of Listening in Discipleship

9 Minute Read

My journey with Jesus as His disciple has deepened in ways I could not have imagined. His well of more is bottomless. The only limits are the ones we impose out of ignorance, fear, or a worldly focus. He will give us life that runs over with limitless love and blessing – but that will likely require us to limit other areas of our lives so that we can remain with Jesus and so that our lives proclaim God’s grace and goodness.

We must listen to God reminding us that being with Him and growing into Him is the most important thing in our lives. That is the first and most important part of our ministry to others.
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5 minute read

In Young Life, we have a lot of compelling moments-  A week at Camp, the 55 Minutes of organized chaos with a purpose- The YL Club, The most beautiful thing we do via Contact Work…. and the list goes on.  

What if our local Banquets were, in fact, our finest hour?
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 5 minute read

In August 2014, I received an email from a Young Life College staff person at Miami University of Ohio that read, “Could you send me a list of the freshman coming our way? We're gearing up for a big year!” After looking into our Alumni and Friends network, we were able to send information on 44 high school graduates that were heading to their way! Five years later we got an update on what happened with those 44…

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Confessions of a SMALL GROUP LEADER  

(My Trip to NST) 

4 minute read

We left our week with full hearts, greatly encouraged and inspired by the amazing people the Lord is sending to join our staff!  That room of 300+ folks truly are the future of our mission. They are an answer to prayer, as we all ask the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers in His field (Matthew 9:38).  We, as a mission, are doing everything we can to encourage and support them as they launch into this Grand Adventure of proclaiming the life-giving love of Jesus Christ across the globe.  
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5 Minute Read
In late January, I experienced my YL Training Timeline class at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City UT.  One day as I waited in line for my 3rd film of the day, the person next to me leaned over and asked, “Are you a filmmaker?” I laughed, “Me? Nope! I’m here with Young Life staff for training!” Another “Only in Young Life” moment.
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Fill out this survey for a chance to win a Patagonia Down Snap-T pullover Jacket!  First 20 people to submit an answer win!  

Tell us about the role, impact and involvement of Volunteer Team leaders in your area.

One Question Survey
Free LinkedIn Profile Checklist 
Think LinkedIn is just for finding a job?  Think again!  Your LinkedIn profile can help you connect, network, and nurture relationships in between live meetings!  Grab this free guide by Tintero Creative to get your LinkedIn profile up to speed:  
Bonus!  Tintero Creative is giving away 20 free copies of founder, Valerie Morris' bestselling book "We're All Ears: How to increase your impact, influence, and success online in a noisy world."  Anyone who downloads the LinkedIn Profile Checklist is entered to the random drawing.
Get Checklist HERE
Custom Golf Glove Deal (& Giveaway)

Upcoming Trainings

Register for The Student Leadership Project.  (Spots limited!) Register HERE

*ATTENTION all Supervisors: New Staff training for 2020 will have a new location and new time: Washington Family Ranch, August 21-29, 2019. Look for more information coming soon!

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