The Next Financial Stress Reduction® teleclasses begin in February!
The Next Financial Stress Reduction® teleclasses begin in February!
Chellie Campbell, Financial Stress Reduction Speaker, Author, Coach

November 22, 2017                   News from Chellie Campbell               112217

Dear Dolphins,
I’ve had such fun this month speaking! First I was at the brilliant Jack Molisani’s LavaCon Portland conference and then at the Moms Helping Moms Build Businesses networking meeting in San Diego the following week. They were wonderful groups of Dolphins and everyone I met was so nice!

This is the season of joy and laughter, turkeys, pumpkin and pecan pie, and festivities galore. Slow down enough to enjoy these moments of pleasure and love. If it’s sunny outside, enjoy the warmth and beauty of the sun; if it’s raining, give thanks for the blessing of water that nourishes our crops and washes the world clean. Give thanks for life, and breath, and love.
Today I’m sharing a page from “The Wealthy Spirit” on giving thanks. I give thanks for all the readers who have written to tell me they enjoy my writings! Last year, one Facebook friend, Jerry Murphy, wrote a post “I’ve Been Reading the Same Book for the Past 14 years”! 
Maybe the book would make a great stocking stuffer for one of your friends this season? Or a treat for yourself, too!

Thanks Givings – from “The Wealthy Spirit” 
“If only the people who worry about their liabilities would think about the riches they do possess, they would stop worrying. Would you sell both your eyes for a million dollars…or your legs…or your hands…or your hearing? Add up what you do have, and you’ll find that you won’t sell them for all the gold in the world. The best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate yourself.” —Dale Carnegie
Having a sense of balance and perspective is this: Knowing that there will always be someone who has more than you do—and someone who has less.
Think you don’t have enough money? Donate a few hours working at the Union Rescue Mission, a homeless shelter, or a haven for runaway kids on the street. Then when you go home, take another look at all the riches you possess, remembering all those who do not have so much.
Think your health is poor? Maybe some people are worse off than you. Take flowers, songs or poetry readings to a hospital or a nursing home. Make a donation to one of the many organizations that are searching for cures for what ails us.
Wish you were more intelligent? Notice the joy on the faces of the children in the Special Olympics and think again. Volunteer to teach a class; help an illiterate person learn to read.
Wish you were married, had a significant other, or even a date? You’re only alone because you don’t want the people who want you. Take another look and say yes to someone.
Wish you were single? Get single and give your mate a chance to find someone else who will really love them.
Wish you were more beautiful? Rent The Elephant Man then get to work on developing the inner beauty that he had.
Whatever it is you think you lack, there are those who have less than you. Whatever it is you think you have, there are those who have more than you. That is the state of this existence. You can be happy about it or you can be miserable. Your choice.
But the basic, glorious, joyous fact of life is this: You breathe, you think, you love, you hope, you cry, you laugh and so does everyone else. Thank God, or whatever cosmic force brought you into being, for this spark of divine consciousness that gives you life.
Today’s Affirmation:
Thank you, God, for filling my life with glorious riches!

Please feel free to copy this article and use it wherever you like. Just include the following “author box” for attribution:
Chellie Campbell is the creator of the Financial Stress Reduction® Workshops, and author of The Wealthy Spirit, Zero to Zillionaire, and From Worry to Wealthy. She has been prominently quoted as a financial expert in the Los Angeles Times, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Family Circle, Woman’s World and more than 50 popular books. She can be reached at

The Next Financial Stress Reduction teleclasses will begin in February!
8 Mondays February 5 – March 26 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
8 Wednesdays February 7 – March 28 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Would you like to live a rich and fulfilling life—inside and out? The course promises results—not just information—many people have doubled and tripled their income in this workshop!
Call me at 310-476-1622 and I will be delighted to find out more about you and your goals and answer any questions you have about this program. (I always have just the right people in my classes so I have no need to hard-sell anyone. My goal is to get acquainted and help you see clearly whether or not this course would benefit you.)
Join us today and be on the road to Financial & Personal Success Tomorrow!

Small class sizes mean not everyone can participate in the next session.
Make sure to reserve your space in time –
Hit "Reply" to this email or call Chellie at 310-476-1622 NOW!
Business Opportunity:
Become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach Now!
I’ve been teaching this 8-week workshop for more than 25 years and I love every minute of it! Now I am licensing others to use my name, books, materials, systems and branding – it’s a complete business-in-a-box with everything you need to be successful. If you love teaching, helping others succeed, and would like to make a six-figure income doing it, this program is for you! Click here for more info!
*If you take the Financial Stress Reduction® telecourse and within one year decide to become a Certified Financial Stress Reduction® Coach, your entire course fee will be applied to the cost of the certification program.
Here’s to your fabulous success!

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Chellie Campbell
Author, Speaker
Chellie Campbell
The next Financial Stress Reduction® Workshop Telecourses begin in February:

8 Monday Evenings
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Feb. 5 - Mar. 26, 2018

8 Wednesday Evenings
5:00 -7:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Feb. 7 - Mar. 28, 2018
Call Chellie for info
Books by Chellie
From Worry to Wealthy
Zero to Zillionaire
The Wealthy Spirit
Chellie has been featured in a wide variety of articles, magazines, and interviews
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