Weekly Announcements for February 14, 2025
Hard times require laughter.
Happy Valentine's Day from BYM
Upcoming Deadlines for March Interim Meeting
BYM will gather for Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business on March 22nd. As shared in our annual Committee Handbook, upcoming deadlines for that Meeting for Business are as follows:
Feb 17 - Agenda items due to IMclerk@bym-rsf.org (deadline extended!)
- Feb 28 - Supporting Document & Advance Reports due to GenSec@bym-rsf.org
This is also a good time of year to begin to consider if your Committee will have business to bring to Annual Session in July/August and contact YMclerk@bym-rsf.org to begin seasoning those items.
| Request for Workshop Proposals
The BYM Annual Session Program Committee is hard at work this winter preparing for Annual Session 2025! BYM Friends will gather from July 29 - August 3 at Hood College in Frederick, MD. Together for one week we will conduct our business, learn from one another, enjoy fun and fellowship and practice building community in the manner of Friends. Workshop proposals are now open - and we encourage BYM Committees, Monthly Meetings, individual Friends, and Quaker organizations to share their gifts and talents. The 2025 Annual Session theme is Guided by Spirit: Living Our Faith in a Challenging World. Stay tuned for more details about Annual Session 2025 coming in April!
JYF Con is Coming: March 1-2 @ Langley Hill
The next BYM Junior Young Friends Con ("JYF Con") will take place March 1-2 at Langley Hill Friends Meeting. Junior Young Friends is BYM's program for 6th - 8th graders. JYF Cons are a fun way to see friends from other Meetings or camp, make new friends, have fun, and retreat from the pressures of pre-teen life while developing skills for living in community.
| How Can Friends Do Well and Do Good in Uncertain Times?
What prudent financial and estate planning steps can Friends take during this chaotic administration? We can’t predict the future but we can prepare. Join this webinar on Feb. 19 with Guli Fager, CFP® (Stony Run) to learn more. Presented in partnership with Friends Publishing Corporation.
Building Collective Power for Peace, Feb 15
Tomorrow, February 15th from 1pm - 4pm, the BYM Peace & Social Concerns Committee invites you to a special event on building collective power for a lasting peace in Israel & Palestine. The event will be facilitated by Young Adult Friends Kali & Mikayla from Adelphi Friends Meeting. All Friends who have been or are interested in taking action for peace are welcome! We will share what activities Friends have been taking in their monthly meetings and consider what collective action we might take together as Baltimore Yearly Meeting.
| Stoping the Doomsday Clock, Feb 18
The BYM War & Militarism Working Group invites you to a virtual forum on the "Doomsday Clock" - and how to stop and reset it. Since 1947, the Doomsday Clock is a metaphor for the threats to humanity from unchecked technological advances. The Form will include experts three knowledgable speakers - and time for your questions. Click below for information - and a flyer to share with your Meeting!
Rev. Dr. Robert Turner to speak to BYM, March 8
BYM will have the opportunity to hear Rev. Dr. Robert Turner speak about his experiences and his faith journey working in the national reparations movement, in Alabama, Tulsa, OK, Baltimore, and other places. Rev. Turner walks from Baltimore to DC every month, in one day, walking 42 miles, calling his walk #40milesfor 40 acres, as a statement that reparations once promised are still needed. Rev. Turner is the Senior Pastor of the AME Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, and author of the book, Creating a Culture of Repair: taking action on the road to reparations - full of things we can all do, right now. Sign up coming soon!
| Reproductive Justice Working Group Seeks New Members
The Reproductive Justice Working Group of BYM seeks new members. Over the last year, the group worked with BYM to develop a Minute on reproductive justice. We also provided input to FCNL to help develop their position on reproductive health. The group is now turning its attention to education and advocacy. It seeks input on what priorities for its agenda should be from existing working group members and also seeks new members representative of the BYM community. All genders and ages are welcome. The group meets via Zoom on the 1st of each month at 6.30. Please contact Eluned Schweitzer @ elunedy@gmail.com or Martha Solt @ SoltDozier@gmail.com for further information.
Quaker Voices of Maryland Advocacy Workshops, Week of Feb 16
Please join us and invite your f/Friends to Friendly Persuasion Workshops (Week 4) this week. These will be learning and work sessions that will include presentations for
f/Friends who are new to advocacy and more experienced advocates, with a particular
focus on preparing and submitting testimony. Several Quaker Voice priority bills have
testimony due and hearings coming up next week.
| Save the Date: Blue Ridge Quaker Gathering, Jun 29
Planning has begun to restart the Blue Ridge Quaker Gathering! With a tentative date of Sunday, June 29, Friends from BYM's southwestern Virginia meetings - Blacksburg, Floyd, Lynchburg, Maury River and Roanoke - well as pastoral and evangelical Friends churches in the area will gather at Roanoke Friends Meeting for worship and fellowship. Stay tuned for details!
To submit your items for the BYM Weekly Announcements,
please email Admin@bym-rsf.org.
| Baltimore Yearly Meeting
17100 Quaker Lane | Sandy Spring, MD | 20860 USA
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