Vogmask Sale. Giving Tuesday.
Vogmask Sale. Giving Tuesday.
The University of Utah |
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Week of: December 2 - 6

Student Spotlight
Kayla Turbyfill
Meet Kayla Turbyfill! She’s a double major in political science and psychology, and a Solutions Scholar. "I am most interested in making the world a better place and impacting as many people as I can in my lifetime. I have always loved psychology, and politics make the world go 'round, so I decided uniting the two was the best path for me to make a contribution. I believe it is essential to understand the people affected by policies we make every day before even beginning to create them. Only after considering the people, should we have the audacity to decide pieces of their lives for them. I want to make polices designed specifically to help those they affect. I believe helping one person inevitably helps another; you may never see that chain unfold, but it becomes a beautiful choice to act on that good faith every day. I am a passionate, empathetic, adventurous, ambitious person who values collaboration, innovation and discovery, and what each person or event has to teach me. I am confident in my leadership abilities, and I am here to make a difference."
‘Tis the Season for Writing Essays!
As we are entering December and nearing the end of the semester, many of us are writing final research papers and other essays for our online classes. Did you know that the University Writing Center, located in the Marriott Library, is available to assist online students, as well?
To get answers to your paper-writing questions, contact the University Writing Center or its eTutoring platform today.
Mental Health Workshop Series: Stress Care
Monday, December 2 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 
Gardner Commons, Room 3825

This workshop will be hosted by the Center for Student Weilness and will focus on strategies for students to manage and reduce stress in their daily lives. Lunch will be provided for students.
Apply to be a CSBS Ambassador!
Join a team of amazing student leaders and connect with peers, alumni, staff, and faculty. Represent the College of Social and Behavioral Science and develop your professional skills. Even earn a scholarship for working with CSBS!
Learn More & Apply
ENVST Vogmask Sale
December 4 - 5 | 8:00 AM - 4:00PM
Garnder Commons, Room 4540

Protect yourself against Utah's poor air quality this winter with a stylish & safe Vogmask.
Through a SCIF grant and a generous donation by Vogmask, we are able to sell these masks for $5.00. (CASH ONLY)
All proceeds go towards purchasing more masks.

Refreshments will be served! 
Learn More
Apply to be a CSBS Solutions Scholar!
Develop the skills you need to solve 21st-century challenges, and earn a $4,000 scholarship! This opportunity is open to freshmen, sophomores, and transfer students with a declared major in CSBS. 
Learn More and Apply!
The College of Social and Behavioral Science will be participating in the University of Utah’s Giving Tuesday through supporting internship and research opportunities for students. 
This year, the University of Utah is capitalizing on #GivingTuesday’s popularity to help raise donations for its organizations and initiatives.
Learn More and Donate!
U of U Bucket List
Check out the list of 22 unforgettable activities that all U students should try at least once! The University of Utah Magazine has worked with U alumni to come up with a list of must-dos before leaving the U.
Check it out!
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