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News from the Northeast

March 7, 2017        
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Save the Date!

April 29 , 2017
Long Island Area Event
Wantagh, NY
April 30, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Wantagh, NY
April 30 - May 2, 2017
Consultation on Conscience
Washington, DC
May 21 - 29, 2017
WRJ Mission to Israel

WRJ Trip to Israel
May 2017
For first-timers and experienced Israel travelers
Read the pre-trip blog
by our own Immediate Past President Denise Levine

Programming Opportunity for Your Sisterhood

Each sisterhood is entitled to a District Speaker once every two years, without expense to the sisterhood, and a speaker from WRJ in alternate years.

The WRJ Calendar is available HERE

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We want photos and highlights from your sisterhood programs!
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The next e-blast will be sent on April 4, 2017

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Message from Carmen Holzman
Vice President of Area Management

“One shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads its roots by the stream. Untouched by the scorching heat, its foliage remains luxurious. It will have no concern in a year of drought and will not cease from bearing fruit.”
-Jeremiah 17:8
During the first weekend of March, a delegation of around 40 of our District members traveled to the WRJ Fried Leadership Conference (FLC), held in Charleston, South Carolina. This 2017 conference was a national and international event co-chaired by one of our own Northeast District vice presidents, Sharon Sobel. The FLC committee developed a wonderful program that offered many opportunities for the participants to connect, learn, celebrate, and experience the powerful message of “Stronger Together.” At this conference, one of the many talking points was Social Action Advocacy and the challenges that lay ahead.
I am sure it comes to no one’s surprise that we all experience WRJ events differently. We all came together for an action-packed weekend and left with different cherished memories. Every participant arrived with a different set of goals and expectations and, hopefully, left with a new sense of belonging and inclusion. But how can we be sure? What can we do to ensure that every participant feels included and proud to be a member of WRJ? In our ever-changing society, the answer for rapid “inclusion” might be through social media. I am not advocating social media as the one and only answer, but simply a starting point for diffusing information and creating an open space for dialog with those who have questions, concerns and feedback.
We are the streams that WRJ has guided to form our many communities. We need to protect and nurture our roots, so that they may reach the streams and ensure a bright future for our ever-growing and blossoming tree.
The WRJ Northeast District’s future is on us. Let’s all try to reach out to the many flowing streams to grow even stronger roots!
Carmen Holzman
Congregation Beth Israel
West Hartford, Connecticut
Area Day - Long Island and Vicinity
All are welcome!
Time to Connect, Share and Learn Together
Jewish Genealogy: Trace Our Connections
Featuring Nolan Altman, Immediate Past President of the Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island. 
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Temple B'nai Torah
2900 Jerusalem Ave, Wantagh, NY
For more information, schedule, or to sign up, click HERE. 

Fried Leadership Conference
Forty-two women from our district attended the Fried Leadership Conference in Charleston, South Carolina, this past weekend.   See our next eblast for a recap of the conference. 
Israel Bonds Breakfast honoring our own
Patti Nacht, Area Director
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Congregation Beth Tikvah and Temple B'nai Torah invite you to an 
Israel Bonds Breakfast, honoring
Rabbi Howard Nacht and Patricia (Patti) Nacht.
For more information or to register, click HERE. 

News from Our Sisterhoods
All are welcome to the following sisterhood events.

Friday, March 10, 2017
Temple Beth Torah & Temple Etz Chaim
Purim Dinner and Service 
at Temple Beth Torah
2162 Washington St, Holliston, MA

Co-led services at 7:30pm

Saturday, March 11, 2017
Temple Beth Torah & Temple Etz Chaim
Oh What a Spiel! - The Jersey Boys Megillah
at First Universalist Society of Franklin
262 Chestnut St, Franklin, MA
6pm Jersey Boys Purim Spiel

For more information on the above events, check out the Events section of our District Facebook page HERE.

Saturday, March 11, 2017
Temple Tiferet Shalom
The Not Ready For Prime Time TTS Players Present:
Make Shushan Great Again, a Delusionary Tale
7pm 489 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA
For more information, please click HERE.

Sunday, March 26, 2017
Please join East End Temple
for the 14th annual Helene Spring Library Event
Sunday, March 26th at 1 pm
East End Temple
245 East 17 Street
New York, NY 10003
Author Sarah Wildman will discuss her memoir
Paper Love: Searching for the Girl My Grandfather Left Behind
A Dessert Reception and Book Signing follow the presentation
All are welcome and there is no charge for this event

Sunday, May 7, 2017
Temple Beth Am is hosting a mah jongg tournament
300 Pleasant Street, Framingham, MA
For more information or to register for this event, click HERE

Want us to include photos from your events and to advertise open sisterhood events?  Please send all information to by the last Tuesday of the month to be included in the next month's eblast or on our Facebook page.

Consultation on Conscience
April 30 - May 2, 2017

Join the WRJ Delegation at the RAC’s biennial Consultation on Conscience in Washington, DC. This year the Consultation will feature special WRJ program opportunities.

Did you know?

       Fun facts about Purim...
  1. Queen Esther was probably a vegetarian while living in the palace in order to keep kosher laws.
  2. Mordecai was the first person referred to as a Jew, instead of Israelite or Hebrew.
  3. G-d's name is never mentioned in the Book of Esther.
  4. We are commanded to eat, drink and be merry.
  5. Haman was hanged on the second day of Passover. 

Women's History Month 
March is National Women's History Month. In 1987, Congress declared March as National Women's History Month in perpetuity. A special Presidential Proclamation is used every year which honors the extraordinary achievements of American Women. In Canada, National Women's History Month is celebrated in October. 
From the Board of the Northeast District
of Women of Reform Judaism
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