Blocking: Let Protector Do The Heavy Lifting

According to many of our customers, blocking is Protector’s most valuable and money-saving feature. Protector can block entities at the switch and initiate active call tear down to immediately stop unwanted activity and decrease your exposure to large write-offs and damaging hits. You can block automatically or on demand. This article explores the mechanics and benefits of using blocking to further safeguard your network. 

Blocking Overview. Protector’s blocking module is very flexible and lets you choose when to block, what to block, and how to block. When: Protector can block automatically without any action from you—this occurs when a defined threshold is violated. You can also initiate a block on demand from a violation or during case resolution. What: Protector can block ANI/billing entities, dialed numbers, trunk groups, or tear down active calls. How: You specify the triggering events/thresholds and how the block is applied.
Protector keeps you informed at every step by displaying the current block status, providing blocking history online, and notifying you about blocks via email.

How is blocking performed? Device Manager is a special Protector service that interfaces directly with switches. It handles all blocks and unblocks regardless of how they are initiated (automatically or manually). Device Manager connects to the switch, transmits the command, and sends a response (status) to Protector. Protector stores that response in the database, displays it onscreen, and uses it to generate email alerts.

What are the blocking options? Equinox has experience blocking on many different switches, supporting multiple connection methods, interfacing with other applications, and creating custom solutions. Current options include:
ANI/Billing Entity Blocking
  • automatic and on demand
  • can block all, international only, by calling plan, international/mobile, all but 48 US states
  • can initiate from violation, score, or during case resolution
Dialed Number Blocking
  • automatic and on demand
  • can be triggered by CDR Rule violation, from CDR Warehouse, or during case resolution
Originating Trunk Group Blocking
  • automatic after X number of unique entities blocked in X number of hours
Active Call Tear Down
  • automatic after block and Hot List check

Is blocking one size fit all? No. Protector’s blocking is powerful but designed to fit your needs. Protector supports standard and custom blocking methods tailored for your installation. Standard blocking occurs when Protector uses Device Manager to interact with a switch to block an ANI/billing entity (calling party) from making further calls. Standard blocking can be configured and added to virtually any Protector installation based on licensing the blocking feature.

Custom blocking requires specially designed interface tools and connection methods to complete a custom project or one-off customer request. Such blocking features require a custom license and system customization. Examples of custom Protector projects include blocking and whitelisting numbers on Metaswitch, dialed number blocking for DMS 250, dialed number blocking in CMP, dialed numbers blocking by CDR Rules, and trunk group blocking. If you have a different vision for blocking; just ask! We're happy to evaluate custom requests. 
Can I add blocking now? Yes. We can add blocking to your installation, even after implementation is complete. The process involves specifying your desired blocking logic, providing switch connection and login credentials, submitting test numbers, and confirming successful blocking. The Protector Blocking Bulletin outlines a typical blocking project, and Equinox Support works with you through every step of the process. 

Where can I learn more? The Protector Blocking Bulletin has all the details about this valuable feature. Get it by clicking the button below, using Protector's Help menu, or downloading it from the Equinox Equinox online library

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