At our TfT team retreat this past summer Carey Franklin shared the blessing
At our TfT team retreat this past summer Carey Franklin shared the blessing

TfT Bulletin #1  |  September 11, 2024

At our CACE TfT team retreat this past summer, Carey Franklin, one of our school designers, shared the blessing “Beloved Is Where We Begin” from Jan Richardson’s Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons.
This blessing moves me, and I have shared its words many times with different audiences since Carey invited our team into these words. (You may have heard this blessing in August if I participated in your TfT workshop.) For this first Bulletin of the ’24-’25 school year, I intended to share some lines from this blessing with all of you.
However, I decided to go in a different direction as this week I was struck by these words in the book’s introduction:
Within the struggle, joy, pain, and delight that attend our life, there is an invisible circle of grace that enfolds and encompasses us in every moment. Blessings help us to perceive this circle of grace, to find our place of belonging within it, and to receive the strength the circle holds for us.

I like the idea of substituting the word life with school year or work or teaching or learning or. . . These introductory words leave me feeling hopeful and courageous as I set out into this year.
It is my prayer that all of us personally experience hope and courage as we faithfully respond to God’s call in our lives as Christian school educators.
I have a feeling this isn’t the last time we visit this book together this year.

Welcome to our new TfT schools

We are thankful that the following schools (and associations) have joined our Teaching for Transformation network. Welcome—we are so very glad you are here! We look forward to learning with you and from you as we journey together in our Deep Hopes.

TfT Instructional Coaching Intensive: November 13-15, 2024

We grow increasingly excited for our annual TfT Instructional Coaching Intensive, this year at Delaware County Christian School (Philadelphia) with one of our pre-intensive offerings taking place at Logan Hope (Philadelphia).
New this year:
  • Two pre-intensive offerings on November 13
  • Level 400 for Heads of Schools, Principals, and Instructional/Curriculum Leads. This course invites participants to foster a culture of belonging at their schools by embracing a posture of cultural humility. 
Group rates are available for schools sending a team, and we have arranged conference pricing for accommodation. Details, including descriptions of the various options, are available on the TfT website.
For travel planning purposes, the preconference and conference days begin at 8:00 AM, and we will wrap up by 12:30 PM on Friday, November 15.
Registrations are very strong, and we anticipate that registration will be full before the deadline of October 11, 2024.
Register Here

Updating the TfT Bulletin email recipient list

TfT school leads: If you have not submitted the names and emails of your new staff members, they will not receive this Bulletin in their inbox.
Please send these names and emails to Ed Starkenburg. Or simply send your entire staff list–new and returning; we will make the necessary changes to our email list. Thank you!
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