| Countywide 4-H leader meeting on Tuesday, April 2 at 6:30pm
Please join us for a General Leaders Meeting on April 2nd at 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Public Agency Center in West Bend, room 3224.
Your feedback will drive planning for 2024 concerning Leaders Board structure. You will also have to opportunity to communicate your current club interests and needs for program development and direct support from Washington County Leaders Association Board.
The meeting will also share news and updates about the recent developments with County Fair CEO, Washington County’s Task Force about the UW-Extension office, and summer programming.
If you are unable to attend, we urge you to arrange for a representative from your club to attend.
Please RSVP -- whether "yes" or "no" -- to this event: https://forms.office.com/r/dE9DRtTf61
| Do you know a Washington County 4-H Volunteer to highlight?
We’re looking for fantastic Washington County 4-H volunteers to highlight during April’s Volunteer Appreciation Week! We need your help to show appreciation for our generous Washington County 4-H volunteers – please respond to this short google form: https://forms.gle/f5iNsvTeX3WneD4f7
Trust Fund Scholarship applications are due Monday, April 1st
- 4-H Horse Educational Contest entries for Speaking and Demonstration, Horse Bowl, and Hippology are due Monday, April 1st.
- Last day to register for 4-H Summer Camp is Friday, April 5th
- Swine Registration at the Public Agency Center is Saturday, April 13
- Friends of Feather 4-H Poultry Continuing Education Award applications are due Wednesday, May 1st
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