Safe to Sleep
Learning Session
Closing out the first Safe to Sleep Learning Session on July 7, teams stated headline news one year from now, will include:
- Safe Sleep for All Infants
- ALL of the facilities are recognized by the TDH as a Best Baby facility!
- Not only the best place to have a baby, but the safest place to have a baby and sleep safely!
- Extra..... Extra ..... Read all about it.... HOME RUN with 100% Safe Sleep Compliance
- 100% ABC Compliance
- Major decease in numbers of SUIDS/safe sleep deaths in TN- and show major increase in safe sleep compliance
- Infant Mortality Review teams no longer needed
The over 110 attendees heard from family member, Marlena Shelton, Tennessee Department of Health’s Rachel Heitmann, and Medical Examiner Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan. In addition, teams discussed first PDSA cycles, resources including the Safe to Sleep Speaker’s Bureau, and NANN Materials.
This project is off to a great start! Keep the headline news coming!