Coming Back Safe & Strong

Coming Back Safe and Strong Update
As we officially mark the start of summer, we’re looking forward to welcoming nearly 10,000 students to live on campus this fall semester. We’re getting ready for more than 80 percent of classes to be in person. And we’re excited for a more vibrant campus environment, where faculty and staff come together again to create the best possible experience for our students.
New York State recently reached a 70 percent vaccination rate and has demonstrated a “nation-leading decline in COVID cases,” which is why the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) released new COVID-19 protocol guidelines this past Friday, June 18. These are the same guidelines we share with you here and which we’ll be following at Stony Brook, effective immediately.
As always, our actions are in line with the CDC, NYS Department of Health and SUNY, and could be subject to change as situations evolve.
While Stony Brook Medicine and Long Island State Veterans Home (LISVH) will continue to follow separate guidance tailored to healthcare facilities (detailed below), the guidelines below apply to West Campus faculty and staff, based on the GOER’s Revised Guidance for State Agencies and Authorities during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
In a separate notice from HRS, we will be encouraging you to let us know if you are fully vaccinated. This will enable you to follow the more relaxed COVID-19 protocols outlined below, including no need to physically distance, wear a mask, test weekly or self-screen daily.  
Physical Distancing

  • Fully vaccinated individuals do not need to be physically distanced, indoors or out.
  • Individuals who are unvaccinated and/or whose vaccination status is unknown need to continue to maintain six feet of distance, in accordance with federal (CDC) guidelines.
  • Fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear masks, indoors or out.
  • Individuals who are unvaccinated and/or whose vaccination status is unknown need to wear masks, in accordance with CDC guidelines.
  • Individuals who are unvaccinated and/or whose vaccination status is unknown may remove their mask indoors while physically distanced, seated and/or eating/drinking, or while working at their workstation.
  • Individuals who are unvaccinated and/or whose vaccination status is unknown may remove their mask outdoors unless they are in a gathering or crowded event where they are unable to maintain six feet of physical distancing.
Whether fully vaccinated or not, individuals will also continue to be required to wear masks in patient-facing areas, per CDC guidelines. These include:
  • All healthcare facilities, including all Stony Brook Medicine buildings, which encompass the hospitals, the Health Sciences and Basic Sciences Towers and all outpatient areas.
  • LISVH.
Mask wearing will also be required at Student Health Services (SHS) and the COVID testing centers for faculty, staff and students on West Campus.
Please keep in mind that you can always choose to wear a mask, based on your comfort level or preference in any setting, even if you’re fully vaccinated. Also, we need to respect each others’ preferences for mask wearing, particularly in close settings.
  • Fully vaccinated employees (including auxiliary workers and vendors with a regular on-campus presence) may opt out from mandatory weekly testing upon submitting documentation showing completion of a full vaccination series.
  • Individuals who submit proof of being fully vaccinated will only be required to test approximately once a month. This COVID PCR surveillance testing will take place regularly, and you will be randomly assigned and notified by email. Please continue to test each week until we provide you with details on how to provide your vaccination information through SOLAR.
  • Mandatory weekly surveillance testing will continue to be required for any person who has a physical presence on campus and who has not been fully vaccinated or who has not shown proof of vaccination.
  • Contractors and outside vendors should continue with the current process they follow.
 CampusClear Daily Self-Screening

  • Fully vaccinated individuals will no longer be required to self-screen before coming to their campus worksite.
  • We will, however, ask you to complete the daily CampusClear health screening app if you do not feel well or want to monitor for any symptoms before you leave to work on campus.
  • Please do not come to campus if you don’t feel well, and contact the Health Information Line (HIL) at (631) 632-5000, Option #1 with any COVID-related concerns or positive test results.
  • Unvaccinated/unknown vaccination status individuals will be required to continue to complete CampusClear daily self-screening for all days they work onsite.

  • Students are required to obtain a negative COVID test (PCR or antigen) taken within seven days before coming to Stony Brook.
  • If you do not feel well or want to monitor for any symptoms before you leave your residence hall/apartment/home, complete the CampusClear health screening app. Do not come to campus or classes if you do not feel well.
  • All fully vaccinated residential students may opt out from mandatory twice a week (or weekly for commuter students) testing upon the submission of documentation showing completion of a full vaccination series.
  • All vaccinated students will be required to participate in free, on-campus COVID PCR surveillance testing approximately once a month. This COVID PCR surveillance testing will take place regularly, and you will be randomly assigned and notified by email.
  • All unvaccinated residential students are required to participate in free, on-campus COVID PCR testing two times a week during the fall semester. The testing location is the Alan S. deVries Center (former GLS/HDV Center), 2nd floor.
  • All unvaccinated commuter students are required to participate in free, on-campus COVID PCR testing once a week during the fall semester. The testing location is the SAC Ballroom B.
Have an Idea? Need an Answer?
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