A Message from Radwa Aly

As we are nearing the end of the year, I have been reflecting on the things I am most grateful for. Primarily among them is the wonderful talent we have  across our academic medical enterprise and selfishly -  our incredible research community. I want to take this opportunity to continue to express my gratitude for the work you do.  Without your commitment, your drive and high standards, we would not be the excelling in research. On behalf of the Office of Clinical Research leadership, I thank you for your accomplishments this year. We are all grateful.   Take a moment this week to take some well-deserved time off, wind down and spend time with all of your friends, family and loved ones.

Below you will find a few reminders and updates to get us through the rest of the year! 

Welcome to Sarah Ford-Trowell, MPH: 
Senior Manager of Regulatory and Compliance
Sarah Ford-Trowell got her start in clinical research while an undergrad at the University of Cincinnati working at Cincinnati Childrens. There, she conducted benchtop research and had two first author papers published while in UC’s transfusion medicine department. She later completed her Masters in Public Health from Texas Tech.
Sarah has worked in regulatory since 2018, focusing on IRB reviews and submissions, audits, sponsor visits, SOP development, study start-up and study closeouts.   
About her new role at GW, Sarah says, "I am very eager to work here and keep us all in compliance. Starting out I will be focusing on a major clean-up of ClinicalTrials.gov, creating regulatory and compliance workflows, and doing internal audits to make sure studies are up to date with compliance regulations."


If you haven’t had the chance, check out our new page with information on clinicaltrials.gov on our website. As a reminder, if you or your PI receives an NIH non compliance letter, please let the Office of Clinical Research know immediately.
Reminders for Epic
  • Please continue to visit your billing dashboard regularly to clear any research related charges from your dashboard.
  • IDS Resource is live and you should be scheduling all of your research visits using the IDS resource in Epic. 
  • We are just about ready to finalize our monitoring visit workflow. Please join the next coordinator session to learn more! 

Note from IDS Pharmacy

We are so appreciative of the enthusiasm surrounding study medication builds in Epic. As a friendly reminder, the pharmacy needs about 10 days to get the study medication built. Please engage the research pharmacy as soon as you are site selected so we can begin the study medication build process so that it is ready in the system by the time you schedule your SIV. 

**Please remember to share a copy of the protocol and pharmacy manual with the IDS Pharmacy as soon as you are site selected!** 


Please remember that all new studies should be entered in OnCore starting from site selection letter. The shell needs to be built so that our teams can begin negotiating the budget and building your calendars. If you have any questions on how to build your shell please email oncore@gwu.edu or clinicalresearch@mfa.gwu.edu.

Save the Date

The next coordinator session is scheduled for December 7, 2022. Epic Analysts will be presenting the release to inspector/monitoring workflow – you don’t want to miss this! 
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