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A Newsletter on Scholarships and Resources 
Beyond Barriers, Hardship, and Borders
About twice a month the Undocumented Student Program will send you a newsletter. This week's newsletter focus is on scholarship and resources. Through the content of this newsletter, you will have an opportunity to learn about wellness and community resources. We will highlight some scholarships, COVID-19 resources specific to undocumented/immigrant community members, DACA renewal information and virtual programs available for students, staff, and faculty. We hope you enjoy the resources and that you can feel the resilience found within the immigrant community and that you stay connected to the campus and larger community. Please take a look at and share the following resources and encourage others to sign up for our newsletter.

You will find the information in this newsletter in the following order:

  • Resources Spotlight
  • COVID-19 Resources Friendly for Undocumented Immigrants
  • Migrating Shells 
  • Events and Programs (Students)
  • Events and Programs (Staff and Faculty)
  • Self and Community Care Practices
  • Financial Wellness and Scholarships
  • Food Security
  • Essential UMD Campus Resources
Please take a look at and share the following resources and encourage others to sign up for our newsletter.
Resources Spotlight  

The Holy Month of Ramadan


The holy Islamic month of Ramadan started on the evening of Thursday, April 23rd meaning that students, colleagues, and community members are currently fasting from sunrise to sunset until the May 23rd weekend. This also means that Ramadan goes through finals week and through the end of this semester.
Ghonva Khalid, Coordinator for Multiracial and Native American Indian/Indigenous Student Involvement, wants to wish folks who are celebrating a "Joyous and blessed month of fasting for you and your loved ones. And despite the different circumstances we are celebrating in, may you continue to find community while you fast, and may you find the strength to center yourself/give back/seek knowledge during this month of spiritual reflection." 
 COVID-19 Undocumented/Immigrant Friendly Resources
"As an undocumented student, I think that it is important to recognize the resources that are available for me during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Informed Immigrants organization along with many others created a guide with resources and general information for our undocumented families to stay aware of what is happening in the State and in our University."  

To view the guide click on the link: 
Resources for Immigrants during the coronavirus crisis.

COVID-19 Relief Funds Open to Undocumented Immigrants

Migrating Shells
What is Migrating Shells?
A newly formed student organization started during the Spring semester of 2020. 

What is the purpose of Migrating Shells?

The purpose of Migrating Shells is to provide a space for students with an immigrant identity or experience and foster a community of support and well-being. That is to help improve the students’ experience and sense of belonging at the University of Maryland. Migrating Shells will also be a space where students will be able to explore and combat the negative and taboo perceptions of immigration and migration. By uplifting their immigrant experience, identity, and history. Migrating Shells will also serve to inform and educate students in the community about current events, issues, and misconceptions about immigration/migration. Immigration is a very political topic and therefore this organization will have opportunities to engage in advocacy and community service opportunities. Migrating Shells will center the humanity of immigrants and be in solidarity with groups, people, and issues that also affect immigrant communities.    

Learn more about Migrating Shells by clicking here. 
Events and Programs 

Join some of the virtual events and communities at UMD, the larger DMV community, and across the Country!  

Events and Programs
(Staff and Faculty)

There are a lot of virtual opportunities coming up take a look at the flyers below and click on them for more information! 


We also recommend signing up for the following organization's newsletters to get information about webinars available to you for free to continue to learn about the issues affecting undocumented and immigrant students and the larger community. 
  •  Immigrants Rising-
  • UndocuBlack Network-
  • Informed Immigrant-
  • Presidents Alliance on Immigration and Higher Education-
Self and Community Care Practices 

Recwell Virtual Fitness Resources

During this period of virtual learning, University Recreation & Wellness is committed to providing resources and programs that keep you moving and connected to other Active Terps. Stay tuned for updates on the latest virtual and on-demand fitness opportunities, e-sport leagues, and activity challenges. 
We also wanted to share the following resources in the hope that they provide opportunities for reflection and to engage in wellness. We acknowledge that we are all coping and moving daily in different ways. 
For more guidance on taking care of yourself and loved ones during this time through the perspective of an immigrant, you can take a look at Informed Immigrants website. 
Financial Wellness: Scholarships and Fellowships
Opportunities to prepare for Fall 2020 and beyond! 
Given the current political climate, students find themselves in constant financial need. Many of our students have asked for support and opportunities to stay financially stable. Scholarships are one way to help. Please share the following scholarship lists with your network. We recommend that staff and faculty help students where possible with the application process. 

Scholarship Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

  • The Ted Rollins Eco Scholarship is open to business, marketing, sustainability or related field majors and is due on April 30. Learn more and apply for this scholarship here
  • The Hedding Law Student Scholarship is open to every field of study and is due on June 1. For more information click here.
  • GAPA Foundation Scholarship: Provides $1,000-$5,000 scholarship to individuals who are making a positive impact on the Asian & Pacific Islander and LGBTQ+ communities. The scholarship is due on June 7, for more info click here

Scholarship Opportunities for Graduate Students

  • Rizio Liberty Lipinsky Lawyer Scholarship: A $10,000 award for law graduate students. The scholarship is due in May, for more information click here
  • AORN Foundation Academic Scholarship: Awards range from $500-$2,500 in the field of nursing, the due date is  June 14. Learn more and apply for the scholarship here

Scholarships Opportunities for UMD Students
  • The Smith School Scholarship is due on May 24. For more information visit their website.
  • Reilly Fellowship (School of Public Policy) is dedicated to students interested in public service, government involvement, or political leadership. Applications are due on May 10. For more info, contact Maria Lopez at

      For more scholarships, available at UMD visit our google spreadsheet 
Below find additional scholarships lists for undocumented students

Entrepreneurship and Online Contracting Opportunities are in High Demand


With the COVID-19 pandemic making it difficult for people to generate income, there has been a rise in freelancing and other online opportunities such as note-takers, translators, web designers, etc. Immigrants Rising has created a list of job opportunities as well as tips on how to gain revenue while at home. Visit their website for more information.  
Food Security 
UMD Campus Food Pantry
The Food Pantry Services are still available during COVID-19. For information on the hours and the latest updates on services visit
Emergency Meal Fund
If you find yourself skipping meals due to financial limitations or a limited housing situation, you can email the Undocumented Student Program coordinator to arrange an emergency meal card at
 Essential UMD 
Campus Resources
  • Students can view online versions of their textbooks during the Spring 2020 semester:  Access Free E-Books 
IT RESOURCES for students in need of access to the internet, laptop rentals, or specific software 
With the campus being closed and the State engaging in a stay at home order, there have been many changes implemented for internships.
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