CCASA Statement Against Racism
August 14th, 2017
The CCASA board and staff unequivocally stand against racism. Sexual assault and oppression are intricately linked and we are committed to grappling with the complexities of societal power and privilege. We cannot end sexual violence without addressing other forms of violence and oppression that support systems that value some lives above others.
CCASA learning and advocacy groups:
Aspiring White Allies Group
CCASA members and partners who want to grow in their ally-ship to address racism and its intersection with sexual violence and other forms of oppression can participate on the AWAG through monthly web/phone or in-person meetings in order to learn, develop skills, and work to hold themselves, each other, and our communities accountable. For more information, contact Brie Franklin, Executive Director, at or 303-839-0029. Communities of Color Alliance
CCASA members and partners who identify as a person of color and who want to create community, raise awareness, and promote practices and policies that recognize the intersections of race, sexual violence, and other forms of oppression are invited to join CCASA’s efforts to increase and sustain leadership opportunities within communities of color. Those interested and committed to change can participate on the CoCA through monthly web/phone or in-person meetings. For more information, contact Agueda Morgan, Director of Programs, at or 303-625-9565, or Raana Simmons, Director of Policy, at or 303-625-9564.