Message from the Director
The Sydney Nano annual retreat was held recently, bringing together the Sydney Nano staff, leadership team, Faculty representatives and key internal stakeholders. I want to thank everyone for their contributions and participation in the retreat, and give special thanks to Prof Kathryn Refshauge for providing a very insightful presentation on the key findings and recommendations for our Y3 review as Chair of the Sydney Nano review panel. This was a highly enjoyable and constructive meeting and I appreciate the good will and positive energy that everyone brought to these sessions.
I would like to acknowledge some recent achievements of the Sydney Nano community by congratulating A/Prof Alice Motion and my research team - Dr. Alvaro Casas Bedoya, Dr. Moritz Merklein, Dr. Eric Magi and Dr. Yang Liu – for winning Eureka Prizes this year. I also congratulate Prof Peter Lay for winning Australian Synchrotron Lifetime Contribution Award; Prof Thomas Maschemeyer for winning AFR Higher Education Award, recognising his research in battery-storage 'living lab'; and all the Sydney Members for their ARC success. Congratulations and well done everyone! I was very pleased to receive the W.H. (Beattie) Steel Medal from the Australian and New Zealand Optical Society.
As the year is drawing to a close, I would like to reflect on our journey in 2020....
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Professor Ben Eggleton
Director Sydney Nano