Dear Colleagues,
My thanks to everyone who attended yesterday’s Town Hall for a report on the ongoing work of the Operational Sustainability Review, which is being conducted as we continue to implement our strategic plan, Uplift Valpo, and become an even stronger, student-centered University.
As many of you know, Uplift Valpo was built around four themes: Learn, Serve, Lead, and Thrive and we have been making significant progress to meet the ambitious goals that were established. Ensuring Valpo will thrive in its operations and finances in the years and decades ahead includes both building on our successes and charting a path towards a sustainable financial future. Fulfilling our University’s mission demands it of us. We also recognize the need to think about and approach our work differently, and that a key to long-term institutional success will be creating a more strategic, efficient, and data-driven culture. By prioritizing adaptability and innovation, Valparaiso University aims to fortify its position as a beacon of excellence in higher education, poised to meet the evolving needs of students.
To that end, beginning last summer we initiated the first-ever University-wide review of both our administrative and academic processes.
Over the past six months, more than two dozen faculty and staff members participated in interviews, extensive function-specific data and document analyses were conducted, numerous conversations were held with leaders and staff within each function to refine and share information, more than 130 survey responses were received and evaluated, three Town Halls were convened, and monthly campus updates were provided.
Several findings of this comprehensive review have now been compiled, and they begin to provide an institutional roadmap to achieving the stated goals of this process. Here you will find the presentations from yesterday’s meeting outlining the findings and next steps. I urge you to take the time to review the good work that has been accomplished to date. 
One of the key findings was that data utilization and quality remain significant areas of opportunity for Valpo, with a recommendation that we establish data and technology governance processes, as well as structures to enable greater use of “business intelligence” to inform decisions. The review also confirmed that costs are rising for operations (such as contracts, supplies, etc.), indicating a need to strengthen institutional controls and reduce non-personnel spending. In addition to these administrative measures, the review identified an opportunity to reduce the size of the overall Valpo campus through strategic property sales and building demolitions – a plan that many of you know we have been working towards for the last few years.
The review findings and action steps outlined at yesterday’s Town Hall are sound and consistent with our stated goals; I am committed to implementing these and other administrative improvements as we move forward, and we have already begun discussions with the relevant departments about next steps. The findings also identified initial needs related to our academic programs and student services, including an assessment to determine how these offerings align with a refreshed enrollment management plan. As University Provost Eric Johnson, shared yesterday, he has convened a working group composed of Valpo’s academic deans and faculty representatives, which is now meeting weekly to ensure evidence-based and mission-guided decisions are made regarding individual programs. There will be additional updates regarding these areas in the weeks ahead.
I want to take a moment to offer my gratitude to those leading and participating in this unprecedented process. My thanks to Provost Eric Johnson, Senior Vice President for Finance, Mark Volpatti, members of the Data and Steering teams, and Executive Director of Strategic Planning, Kevin Goebbert, for sharing their experience and perspective in directing this important undertaking. To the hundreds of faculty and staff who provided important questions and vital insight, the process is made better because of your contributions – thank you. I look forward to your continued input and support.
I also want to express my optimism for our beloved University. While processes like this one can appear to focus on challenges and where we need to do better, I believe they are the sign of a healthy institution with a strong foundation that knows change is vital to its continued success. Our vision for Valpo is ambitious and clear. This is our transcendent moment that we must embrace. 
We are laying the groundwork that will help us achieve our mission, in service to our students, for generations to come. Thank you for everything you do to serve as a reflection of our community to others, and for all you do to help ensure a bright future for Valpo.
José D. Padilla, J. D.
219.464.5000 - 1700 Chapel Drive, Valparaiso, IN 46383-6493 USA -
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