A Snapshot; The Amazing Benefits of Singing
A Snapshot; The Amazing Benefits of Singing
A Snapshot
Dear Christ Church
A tremendous amount of tragic, wonderful, and profound things have happened in the last two months. In the midst of all of the heaviness, sorrow, and joy, something very discreet, but significant happened. The picture directory was finished and printed. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is going to likely play a larger role in our Church than we initially thought. It is practical and helpful, but its real use and value will not be seen for some time. I began every church job I have ever had by studying the old picture directories. My goal, foolishly, has been to memorize peoples’ names before I meet them, which never worked.

Click here to read the rest of the story.

The Amazing Benefits of Singing

Singing Strengthens The Immune System.  A study tested the blood of choir members before and after an hour long rehearsal.  In most cases, the amount of antibodies in their blood was significantly higher after rehearsal.   The same effect did not happen after listening to an hour of music.
  1. Singing Is A Workout.  If you use proper singing techniques, your lungs will get a workout, your diaphragm will be stronger and your circulation will be stimulated.
  2. Singing can increase your aerobic capacity and stamina.
  3. Singing Improves Posture.   Breathing to sing expands the chest cavity and aligns the shoulders and back.
  4. Singing Is A Natural Antidepressant.  Singing releases endorphins which make you feel uplifted and happy.
  5. Singing Lowers Stress Levels.   Singing releases muscle tension and decreases levels of cortisol, which is a stress hormone.
  6. Singing Improves Mental Alertness.  Oxygenated blood and increased circulation sends more oxygen to the brain.  This improves mental alertness, concentration and memory.
  7. Singing Can Widen Your Circle of Friends.   The bonds created by singing with others can be profound.
  8. Singing Boosts Confidence.   Stage fright diminishes with performances.  It can even help with public speaking.
  9. Singing Broadens Communication Skills.   Singing to babies prepares their brains for language skills, and improves your own brain.
  10. Singing In A Group Gives A Sense Of Belonging To Something Bigger Than Ourselves.   Therefore, Sing!   And for best results, sing in the choir!!  

    The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00P in the church choir room located in the undercroft.  No experience is required, come sing with us!

    Lynn Gardner, Organist / Choirmaster
Loaves & Fishes, our community meal offering will be held on November 27.  Volunteers and donations of desserts, fruit, and warm clothing are always appreciated.
The Bishop's Visit and Confirmation will be held on December 1.  There will be a reception following the 10:30 service, sign-up to volunteer or bring an item.
The Book Club will meet on Wednesday, December 4 at 6P in the Parish House Library, all are welcome!  The book for December is Educated by Tara Westover.
It starts with a gift, the angels for the 2019 Prison Angel Tree will be on the tree in the Narthex beginning November 24.  The party will be held in th Parish House on December 15 from 2 to 4PM. For more details, contact Frankie Smith, 276-252-9877 or Tara Williams, 850-284-6118.
Grace Network could use your help!  Our asks for November and December are jelly, bath soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, and grocery bags.
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