eUpdate preparing you for Christmas Eve and Sunday, Dec. 27
eUpdate preparing you for Christmas Eve and Sunday, Dec. 27


Dear IPC Friends,
Christmas is upon us and with it comes the joy the season brings but also the usual heartache, sadness, and fretting over Christmases past, lost loved ones, and high expectations. This year of course the sadness and isolation from the pandemic exponentially increases the sadness part.
All the research shows that isolation and loneliness are as bad for us as smoking. This is true for our mental and emotional health but also true for our physical health. As a way to navigate through the season, here are some practices that might help.
  1. Be aware of your feelings. Listen to your body. If it aches, is tight, tense, etc. it’s often telling us we need to pay attention to our emotional and mental health. For me it comes with tightness in my diaphragm.

  2. Be aware of the hijack. The hijack is the amygdala taking over to push fear hormones and what gets hijacked is our prefrontal cortex, our executive rational brain function. The hijack leads to incessant fear thoughts that feel like a hundred drunken monkeys in our brain. When you recognize it, do this:

  3. Practice this 5-4-3-2-1 exercise. Begin with a deep belly inhale from the bottom up for 4-5 seconds. Hold for 4-5 seconds. Breathe out slowly for 4-5 seconds. Do this 2-3 times. 
See - 5 things to look at and see, saying them out loud. Notice something you haven’t before. 
Feel - 4 things to feel in your body and say them out loud like the chair I’m sitting on.
Listen - 3 sounds to listen to attentively like the traffic, the birds, your breathing…Say them out loud
Smell - 2 things you can smell, find something to sniff if you need. Out loud.
Taste - 1 thing you can taste and say it out loud, like toothpaste, coffee, sour skittles (my fav.) 

End with the same breathing exercise you started with. 
Also, if you need, reach out and call someone you trust and share with them what you are going through. If you feel safe, call one of us at IPC. My number is 904-718-7777. 
Finally, remember that Christmas is about incarnation. That means that the spiritual and Godly presence in life is found in the earthly, bodily, material places we live, both the good and the not so good. 
If the Christmas story tells us anything it is, "that Jesus, born in a feeding trough, in a manger, with the threat of Herod hovering, God is found in the material world with us—embodied." So, our body, "the body" matters to pay attention to with all our senses. 

Here’s wishing you an “embodied Christmas.”  Breathe...

We invite you to IPC's Christmas worship services on Dec. 24, virtual only.

Through this at-home family service, join us wherever you are for lighting of the Advent Wreath, Susan Clayton's reading of "T'was the Night Before Jesus," and music and prayers from the children of IPC. 

Watch on Christmas Eve at noon »

Honor the birth of the Christ-child with our virtual Service of Nine Lessons & Carols. IPC's clergy and full choir will safely participate in the traditional Christmas Eve service with candle lighting and carols, as well as traditional readings, music and prayers in celebration of the season. 

Pick up a candle to light from home on Christmas Eve 
An IPC tradition continues. Staff will be at the church on Christmas Eve from 10 am – Noon to wish you a Merry Christmas and bring candles to your car for you to light during the 4 pm service—along with treats, a printed prayer and coloring sheets for children. Pick-up will take place on Highland Ave. 

Make a Special Christmas Eve Offering
Please consider making a Special Christmas Eve Offering to benefit IPC’s Community Ministries. Gifts can be made online (Type IPC Community Ministries in the “Gift to fund not listed” box), or mailed to the church (Attention: Beth Grauel). We appreciate your gifts that enable us to help others in our local community.
Worship with us
Join us for worship at 11 am, LIVESTREAM ONLY  
Watch on Sunday, Dec. 27: Livestream Link
Prayer of Preparation: We, unaccustomed to courage, exiles from delight, live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity in the flush of love's light we dare be brave And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love which sets us free. ~ Touched by an Angel by Maya Angelou
Scripture: Luke 2:22-40
Sermon: Rev. David J. Seamon, Associate Pastor, Faith Formation, preaching.

Prayer list is available here.
To submit a prayer request, click here.

James Walter Lester 
Son of Sara Anne & James Lester 
Brother of Jackson Wilkins Lester 
Grandson of Catherine Mason & Jay Wilkins 
December 20, 2020 

Thomas Barclay McLeod 
Son of Brooke & David McLeod 
Brother of William Selwyn McLeod 
December 21, 2020 

Hubbard Denson Burnum, Jr. 
January 4, 1924 – December 18, 2020

THE FLOWERS in the chancel on Dec. 20 were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Carleton Benners Parnell. THE FLOWERS on the War Memorial were given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Stanley T. Moodie, Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps WWII; father of Pat Garlikow. 


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