๐ŸŽ‰ Celebrating 11 Years of Impact! ๐ŸŽ‰

It's time to throw the confetti! We're diving headfirst into our 11th year of RTSWS programming and the excitement is electrifying!

Over the years, together, we have achieved remarkable milestones and forged invaluable relationships with high schools and finance firms across the U.S., U.K. and Canada. Our commitment to our mission has fueled us, and now, as we embark on this 11th year, we're ready to set the stage for an even more remarkable decade ahead.

What's in store for year 11?ย 

๐Ÿค RTSWS cohorts in 60+ high schools and secondary schools

๐ŸŒ 30+ย Cities across 3 Countries

๐Ÿ’ก Inspiring Stories: Bi-weekly, we'll continue to bring you celebration stories and updates from our fall RTSWS workshops.

๐Ÿš€ Exclusive Opportunities:ย Stay tuned for exciting events, volunteer opportunities and ways for you to get directly involved.
THANK YOU for your unwavering support throughout these eleven remarkable years. YOU are the heartbeat of our mission, and we couldn't have done it without your dedication and belief in our cause.

RTSWS Visits Charlotte, NC!

Katie with West Charlotte High School School Champion Theresa Braswell
Ahead of our Fall Financial & Investment Literacy Sessions, RTSWS Program Coordinator Katie had the opportunity to visit our growing number of participating schools in Charlotte, NC.

On her trip, Katie was welcomed by faculty and our School Champions atย South Mecklenburg High School,ย York Comprehensive High School,ย West Charlotte High Schoolย andย Fort Mill High School.

School Championsย are the talented teachers and school administrators who serve as organizers, advocates and cheerleaders for our RTSWS cohorts. They play a crucial role in our success.ย 

We are so grateful to our School Champions for all of their incredible hard work and support throughout the school year!
Katie pictured with South Mecklenburg High School School Champions Hermia Snipes and Stephanie Vargas

Have Conversations with Students About the Importance of Showing Up

Whether it is class, a job or a RTSWS session, attendance is important for our students! Every day is an opportunity for them to learn, make connections and ultimately, set themselves up for success in life.
As their mentors, teachers and advisors, it is imperative that we have conversations with students about the importance of showing up, in their education, career and in life.ย Here are 3 tips for positive attendance this school year to share with your students and mentees:ย 
1. Cultivate Meaningful Connections:ย Encourage students to invest time in cultivating relationships with their teachers, advisors and RTSWS volunteers. These individuals can evolve into strong advocates and invaluable mentors who support their academic pursuits, career and overarching life aspirations.

2. Establish Consistent Routines:ย Create a structured routine that encompasses a regular sleep schedule and a well-planned morning routine. By ensuring they get ample rest and start their day with intention, they'll be better equipped to tackle whatever lies ahead.

3. Access Available Support:ย Whenever a scheduling conflict arises due to a makeup class or sports practice, remind students to communicate. Suggest they reach out to a teacher or their RTSWS School Champion if they are unable to attend a commitment. They can assist in devising strategies to attend sessions or help them formulate a plan to catch up on missed content.

By contributing to our cause, you not only pave the way for their financial growth but also help connect them with experienced mentors within the industry, fostering a nurturing environment for professional development.
Your tax-deductible donation through PayPal Giving ensures that 100% of your contribution directly impacts the lives of these aspiring young minds, making a tangible difference in shaping their success and financial independence.
Thank you.ย Together, we are building a stronger, more inclusive financial landscape for all.
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