Read about 200 years of Eph connections & see upcoming Bicentennial events!
Read about 200 years of Eph connections & see upcoming Bicentennial events!

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The Bicentennial Celebration of the Society of Alumni is organized around monthly themes. In April, events and stories have been grounded in the theme of support, highlighting the many ways the alumni community supports one another through acts of service and care. May focuses on Williams as a community of creators, exploring diverse and varied forms of self-expression. Also, new Bicentennial merch just dropped at Goff's and designs inspired by days gone by can be found at the Bookstore.


Alumni can access at any time past bicentennial event recordings, including:

Leigh Winter Martin ’99 Spins an epic Tale  

As part of the hardworking Bicentennial Volunteer corps and from her extensive and intensive exploration of 20,000+ pages of Alumni Reviews, Leigh finds a purple thread running through history. She creates a remarkable timeline by weaving together decades of Eph connections to major events and to one another.

upcoming Bicentennial events 

Blonde white woman over in front of a dusk sky

April 22, 12:00 p.m. EDT

Expressive Art & Wellness: Connecting to Nature with Chenoweth Stites Allen ’92

This interactive workshop invites you to imagine and express your connection to nature—no artistic ability necessary! Create, share and dream of healing and wholeness for ourselves and our world.  
Asian man with short dark hair, glasses, and a blue plaid shirt

April 24, 2:00 p.m. EDT

WAAAAN Presents a Talk with Minari's Film Editor Harry Yoon ’93 

Harry Yoon ’93, Kevin Lee ’97, and Jeongyoon Han ’21 participate in a pre-Oscars discussion of Minari, a powerful immigrant story nominated for six Academy Awards this year, including best picture.

Photo of an old Williams Advocate

April 25, 4:00 p.m. EDT

BiGLATA Presents LGBTQ+ Bicentennial Storytime - 60s and 70s

In this first in a series of panels discussing LGBTQ+ life at Williams across the decades, hear Mike Dively ’61, Stephen Rosenbaum ’69, Rives Kistler ’71, Dan Pinello ’72, Lisa Capaldina ’78, and Lucy Bledsoe ’79 speak about their experience on campus and in their post-Williams life.
White man with short light hair, glasses, and a striped shirt

April 29, 8:00 p.m. EDT

The Art of Aging: Challenges & Opportunities Across Generations with Washington University Professor Brian Carpenter ’86

Brian discusses the later years of our lives, typical patterns of change, and common sources of stress and uplift as families work together to maximize well-being for everyone involved.
Four squares of the penelests

May 5, 1:00 p.m. EDT

WBAN & WAAAAN Present: Racial Disparities in Mental Healthcare

Bernice Hutchinson ’81, Vidisha Patel ’85 and Michaela Kearney ’15 are joined by Michael Gadson ’79 and Michele Rogers ’79 to discuss mental health and wellness, barriers to care, and the compounding impact of COVID-19 on mental health nationally.
White women with dark hair pulled back, glasses, and a black shirt

May 11, 8:00 p.m. EDT

Bicentennial Medalist in Conversation: Nancy Baker Cahill ’92

Nancy Baker Cahill ’92, founder and artistic director of 4th Wall, a free augmented reality public art platform exploring resistance and inclusive creative expression, in conversation with Ethan Zuckerman ’93.

From the '68 Center for Career Exploration 

Mind, Body, Spirit & Securing the Bag: Black Women Summit on Saturday, April 17

This summit will provide a space for Black female students to learn from and connect with alumnae of diverse fields, to prepare for life after college and to build skills for Black excellence.  

Venture Pitch Competition on Sunday, April 18 from 1:00 - 5:00 PM EDT 

Part of a student-run conference that brings together the entrepreneurial minds of the entire Williams community, this Eph version of Shark Tank features 16 teams testing their value proposition before a group of experts.  
Purple flowers on a sloping hill with Chapin in the background
 Photo by Juan Baena '06

News from the college

Awards and Accolades

  • Matt Carter, associate professor of biology, was named Williams’ John Hyde Teaching Fellow
  • Another nomination to the Biden administration is antitrust scholar Lina Khan ’10, as commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission.  
  • Williams Bolin Fellow Franny Choi was listed as one of seven Asian poets whose words are an act of resistance by Colorlines.
  • Saroya Corbett and Katherine Gutiérrez will serve as the Gaius Charles Bolin Fellows for 2021-22. The fellowships are named for Williams’ first Black alumnus and are awarded to graduate students from underrepresented groups.
  • Laura Martin, assistant professor of environmental studies, received an ACLS fellowship for her research on auxinic herbicides and their far-reaching effects on the environment and human health.

Faculty in the News 

In Memoriam

Phebe Cramer, emerita professor of psychology, passed away on April 2, 2021. After teaching at Barnard College and the University of California at Berkeley, she spent almost 40 years on the Williams faculty teaching developmental psychology and child clinical psychology. Additionally, she wrote more than 90 scholarly articles and five books, maintained a small private practice and was the recipient of many professional honors, including the Association for Research in Personality’s Henry A. Murray Award in 2018.

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