As many have returned to work – with others getting ready for the official start of spring semester – here’s what you should know and do (a few new items and some important reminders) to help keep us all healthy and safe. Thank you and stay well.
If you didn’t see, please review the message we sent out last week: HRS Provides Update on COVID Guidelines.
A Couple of Updates: 
If you’ve tested positive for COVID … We will have a short, online form you will be required to complete where you will be asked to attest that you no longer have a fever and that you’ve completed a five-day isolation period. Once the form is complete, you will be able to receive clearance to return to the workplace. Your supervisor will automatically be notified of your return to work date as well. If you reported your positive results to the Health Information Line (HIL), you will receive an email containing the link to the survey. Please watch for more to come. 
An update in the ‘Submitting Proof of Your Booster’ section: You can fax or provide, in-person, a copy of your Excelsior Pass as proof.
Find what you need to know about returning for spring semester here (emailed to students January 1, 2022): Seawolves: Important COVID Updates - What You Need to Know and Do for Spring ‘22
For the latest information on COVID-19, please continue to look out for Coronavirus Updates, Stony Brook Health Beat and ThePulse.
Community Testing Site
As you may have seen, a new community testing site opened on our campus Tuesday, January 11. A few things to keep in mind:

WHAT: One of 20 new community, New York State-run test sites on SUNY campuses across New York 
WHO: The site is available for any community members, including SUNY campus community, who are exhibiting signs of COVID-19
WHEN: The site is open every day, 8:30 am - 4 pm 
WHERE: RSS Parking Lot in the Innovation and Discovery Center of SBU’s R&D Park, 1500 Development Drive (near the mass vaccination site)
HOW: The site performs PCR testing, nasal swab; 250 appointments are available a day, with limited walk-ins. You can schedule a testing  appointment here.
2022 Events Guidance
  • The University will continue to host both internal and external events on campus
  • Attendees are required to wear masks at all times except when actively eating or drinking
  • Shorter events should consider refraining from serving foods; Grab and Go catering is highly recommended when food service is necessary
  • For large groups, consideration for venue size and ability to spread out, especially during meals, should be considered
  • Attendees experiencing any symptoms should refrain from attending
  • We recommend event hosts bring extra masks to ensure compliance of their guests 
A Few More Items
Check out – and participate in – Ombuds January Workshops and our ‘Chats’ here
The need for local blood donations is critical. Find out about the SBUH Blood Drive here
Reminder: President McInnis is looking for Project REACH participants to help us grow and thrive. The deadline is this Monday, January 17. Find out more and register here
Please also remember to continue testing, as required, at our surveillance sites, provided you do not have any COVID symptoms. Find details and schedule here
Contact us at with any questions/comments/ideas.
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