Our staff enjoyed having the chance to meet with so many families this past week. Thank you for taking the time to come in or zoom so we can all work to best support your children in their education. If you would like to schedule a parent conference, and missed this opportunity, please be sure and reach out to your teacher.
We love to celebrate and highlight the wonderful work happening at Normal Park. This week, we will host families who are interested in attending Normal Park next year as a magnet student. If you know someone who wants to come to school at Normal Park encourage them to attend our information session Tuesday, November 15th at 5:30. This session will be at the Lower School campus and January 5th will be held at the Upper School. Both sessions will be open to perspective k-8 families. The School Choice Application window opens this week until January 31st. If you have a student who needs to apply to another Hamilton County School, this is the opportunity to do so. If you are already a magnet family at Normal Park, you do not need to do anything during this process to stay at Normal Park. If you have a sibling you would like to attend Normal Park next year, please be sure to complete the sibling form that was emailed out last week from Karin Hawkins and be sure to apply through School Choice.
This week our literacy consultant will be working at the Lower School campus providing professional development to our teachers. We are excited to continue learning ways to best develop our students into readers and writers. We appreciate the parent support in this endeavor as these professional development experiences are funded by SPARK.
Bundle up and have a wonderful week!
Jamelie Johns
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Nov 14 - Jan 31: Open enrollment for magnet families
Nov 15 - Kids First Coupon Book Incentives arrive. Check Folders
Nov 18 - Birthday Celebrations (July-Dec) PK-5 only.
Nov 18 - progress reports go home k-2, viewable in power school for 3-8
Nov 23-25 Thanksgiving Break
Nov 30 - US Shrek Performance 1:00
Nov 30 - Shrek Performance 6:00
Dec 1 - Shrek Performance 6:00
Dec 2 - LS Shrek Performance 9:00
Dec 8 - US Band Performance
Dec 12 - LS Dance Performance
Dec 13 - Exhibit Night P, 1, 3, 5, 7 (5:30-7:00)
Dec 14 - US Dance Performance
Dec 15 - Exhibit Night K, 2, 4, 6,8 (5:30-7:00)
Dec 16 - Read a Rama
Dec 19 -Jan 3 - Winter Break
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Choice Lottery Applications
Dear families of Normal Park magnet students,
The choice lottery application for the 2023-24 school year is available November 14, 2022-January 31, 2023. If you have a Magnet student currently enrolled at Normal Park, their sibling(s) will be given preference as a Magnet student in the choice lottery as space allows for next year. Please fill out the following form and return it to Amy Bevis or Karin Hawkins in the main office by DECEMBER 9th:
Magnet_Open Enrollment Sibling Preference 2023-24.pdf
Note: You do not have to reapply each year for your current magnet student. They will remain a magnet student as long as you reside in Hamilton County, attend your two parent/teacher conferences, and behavior and attendance are not an issue.
DEFINITION OF AN ELIGIBLE SIBLING: brother, sister, half-brother or half-sister, step-brother or step-sister or a student currently enrolled at a Magnet school who reside at the same address of the currently enrolled student. This does NOT include aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, etc. In cases involving joint custody, legal documentation is required. Siblings must reside at the same address in order to be eligible for sibling preference. Proof of sibling status may be requested.
***Sibling applicants must complete the choice lottery application online for admissions and sibling preference granted. *** Click here for more information.
Beginning November 14, 2022, the choice lottery applications will be available for all Hamilton County Schools of Choice online at www.hcde.org.
November 14, 2022-January 31, 2023: Application window for all choice lottery programs including Magnet, Open Enrollment, Future Ready Institutes, and Early Post-Secondary Options.
February 10, 2023: District runs HCS choice lottery
February 17, 2023: District shares lottery results with families
February 24, 2023: Deadline for families to respond to the choice school offer
Only sibling applicants who apply by January 31, 2023 through the choice lottery will be considered for sibling preference. If you have additional questions, please email choosehamilton@hcde.org or call 423-498-6762. Thank you for choosing Hamilton!
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| Volunteer Opportunities (Click Links)
Donations: Send all donatiosn to Joli Brown at Upper School:
1219 W. Mississippi Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37405
Click link: Small First Aid Kits--We would need 7 packs (12 packs). Nurses will put together the supplies that go in. (2.5 hours per pack)
Click link: Luggage Tags to label which room the bag belongs to—2 Packs. (1.5 hr per pack)
3rd grade exhibit space is getting an upgrade! Projects include hanging wire, building an exhibit board & hanging strips. Please contact Rachel Carroll at carroll_rachel@hcde.org if you are interested in any of these projects.
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Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
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Normal Park Student Art on Display at the Hunter
Featured Artist
Hueter- Zoey Metcalf Carter McKinney Alden Hawk
Jason Massengile Ethan Kelly Vivian Moore Everett Williams Rowan Williams Norah Wade Corinna Smith Grayson Lovain
Mathis- Phoebe Anderson Emily Reel Georgia King
Schlegel- Rowan Stooksbury Baker Harwood Samara Brigner Sara Stephenson Elinor Winderweedle Owen Dillard Harrison Fortuna Atlas Frazer
Deller- Emily Chacon Emma Volner Jane Yang Madeleine Hibbard Bennett Odum Holden Eaton Riley Capps
Berryhill- Charlie Rose Grot Luca Mansueto Matteo Belk Jordynn Horton Aspen Knight
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| Grade Level Memos and Updates
Click here to make School, Learning Expedition, Athletic, or Pre-K payments. Pre-K payments are due at the first of month and can be paid at the link above.
Friendly reminder for Biking to School Safety. We are thrilled that so many of our students are biking to school, but please be mindful of biking road rules and the safety of all Normal Park students. Click here for bike safety reminders.
This past week, our upper school students had their second week with clubs. Clubs are meeting on B Day Thursday mornings from 8:10-8:50. Students signed up in October to be placed in one of their three selected clubs. These clubs are helping students build community around a topic of interest. Clubs range from bird watching to student government to kickball and a variety in between. Ask your student about their club and what they are loving about it.
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5th grade visited the aquarium last week to observe behaviors that are specific to certain animals. They also observed plant adaptations in several ecosystems.
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Nov 14 Girls Soccer Playoff Game at Home 4:15 against Grace
Nov 14 Boys Soccer Playoff Game at Boyd 6:15
Nov 15 Basketball at Lookout Valley
Nov 16 Climbing meet against Signal Mtn at Downtown 6:30
Nov 16 Basketball against Chattanooga Charter at Home
**If soccer teams win, they will play Tuesday, and then Thursday are the finals.
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Middle School Swim (Congrats)
Savannah Dukes - 8
Piper Lawson - 6
Benjamin Sallee - 7
Swim Meet Schedule Baylor/Catoosa - Dec 7 @Baylor
Signal/Heritage/Dalton - Dec 14 @Dalton
McCallie Invitational - Jan 14/15 @McCallie
East Ham/Ooltewah - Jan 23 @Ooltewah
NWGA MS Champs -Jan 27-28 @Calhoun
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NPMM Climbing Team Nov. 14th, 21st, & 28th @ DOWNTOWN
December Practices
Dec. 2nd, 12th, & 15th @ DOWNTOWN
January Practices
Jan. 12th & 17th @ RIVERSIDE
Jan. 4th @ DOWNTOWN
If you can't make it to a practice, be sure to stop by one of our comps. November 16th, 6:30 PM, DOWNTOWN, vs. Signal Mtn.
December 9th, 6:30 PM, DOWNTOWN, vs. Ivy Academy
December 13th, 4:30 PM, RIVERSIDE, vs. CCS
January 10th, 4:30 PM, DOWNTOWN, vs. Silverdale
January 19th, 4:30 PM, RIVERSIDE, vs. Boyd Buchanan
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Elementary (2nd-5th grade) *Lightning Basketball Tryouts
GIRLS: Tryout Date will be Monday, November 14th at 6 at the Upper School.
2nd-5th grade: Upper School (Time to be determined). Girls will be in the Trykidz League (practices will be at NP and games at McCallie or Baylor, and GPS). Seasonal begins in January.
All interested must have a current physical completed, signed and dated after 4/15/22. No one will be allowed to tryout without a current physical uploaded to Dragonfly. Instructions and help with Dragonfly can be found at
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2022-23 Lightning Athletic Club Board Members
Emily Goolsby: Director
Joe Winland, Tiffany and Matt Phillips, Alison and John Dorough, Tammi and Eston Mayberry, Caroline and Blake Kaylor, Danielle Farmer, Yasmine Key, Brittany Griffin, Brandi and Eric Engle, Jimmy Gaines, Paul Hoeswicher, and Heather Cockerham.
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Hey Normal Park! In the 7th and 8th grade Leadership class, we are hosting a canned food drive for the Chattanooga Area Food Bank! This is going to help families all over in Chattanooga, Tennessee who can’t afford a good meal for Thanksgiving.
The Drive will happen November 7th through the 21st at Normal Park Upper School. This is a grade level competition so YOU can help win the challenge.There will be boxes in every hallway for students to bring cans for donation! The grade level who brings in the most cans will earn extra recess and with popsicles! There will be a graph in the hallway to track and see each grade’s progress!
The Leadership class will be taking a field trip to see how the Food Bank operates and also volunteer while we are there. Channel 3 news will be filming us during the process so we will get to be on the news! Please help us make this a memorable event by donating as many canned food items as possible.
You got this NP! Go Lightning!
Mary McKenna Holland and Blake Moon
7th Grade
Lightning Leadership Class
Lower School Dismissal Changes: We are making a few changes to the dismissal of our walkers. This ensures all students’ safety and runs as efficiently as possible for our families. - Please complete the Google form once you are on campus. - Students will only be dismissed to an adult on the student’s pick-up list. - Parents/Guardians must come to the front steps to pick up their student. - Students can only be picked up by an adult, not a sibling from the Upper School unless otherwise communicated with the administration - An adult must supervise students playing on the front lawn. Students should not play in the flower beds or climb trees or statues.
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