KNOW THIS campus news and announcements
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Catholic Questions, Feb. 28, noon, Wheelock 201. Lunch and Learn: Race Matters, Feb. 28, noon, McCormick Room, Collins Memorial Library. Waxy Wednesdays, Feb. 28, 7 p.m., The Expeditionary.
Heartland Marimba Quartet, March 1, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall. Symphony Orchestra, March 2, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall. Wind Ensemble, March 3, 7:30 p.m., Schneebeck Concert Hall.
LoggerUP. Cheer on the Logger women's golf team at the PLU Spring Invitational this weekend!
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BE PROUD noteworthy accomplishments Nicholas Brody, communication studies, published the article "Opting Out of Social Media: Online Communication Attitudes Mediate the Relationship Between Personality Factors and Facebook Non-Use" in the Southern Communication Journal. Jane Carlin, Collins Memorial Library, presents this week on the topic of information competencies in the art and design fields at the annual conference of the Art Libraries Society in New York City. Jennifer Utrata, sociology and anthropology, presented "A Quiet Revolution: Grandparental Support and Family Inequality" at the Eastern Sociological Society's Annual Meeting in Baltimore, on Feb. 23. She also served as an invited discussant for an "Author-Meets-Critics" session reviewing Cinzia Solari's On the Shoulders of Grandmothers: Gender, Migration, and Post-Soviet Nation-State Building.
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Ever thought about fighting climate change with diet change? Meatless March is an ASUPS Green Fund sustainability project designed to start a campuswide conversation about the impact of animal agriculture on climate change and to support those who want guidance on how to make more veg-friendly choices on and off campus. Students will be tabling in Wheelock Student Center Mondays, 1–2 p.m., and Fridays, noon–1 p.m., through March, to chat about the project, hand out pamphlets, provide stickers, and more. Want to learn more? Contact meatlessmarch@pugetsound.edu.
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